Six kitchen swaps that’ll cut calories

April 15, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

It’s simple.

To lose weight, you’ve gotta reduce the amount of shizzy foods you’re eating – and move more.

I specifically say “shizzy foods” versus “calories in versus out”, ’cause a calorie’s not a calorie. I get that it’s easier to mentally digest that digesting the number on a snack label means you only have to work that number off on the treadmill later. But your phenomenal body is a miracle with a helluva lot going on. And what you eat and how it’s processed is all part of that. So you’ve gotta factor in a lot of other food facets than cals – especially when it comes to processed foods, their high sugar content (which turns to fat in your body), glycemic index (which raises your blood sugar), and heaps of other factors. A lotta weight loss – most of it actually – happens first and foremost at the fridge. You could be chronically hot yoga-ing, running mini marathons, and squatting so much that strangers mistake you for a Gargoyle. But all’ve that sweat can’t counteract the crap that’s riding down your esophageal slide. Thus, if you’re finding that your cardio’s not cutting it, mayhaps cutting the calories via some easy snack swaps will.

Starting with these six:

1.) Instead’ve skim milk, drink soy or almond milk.

While a cup of the former’s about 91 calories or more, unsweetened Almond milk in the same amount’s a mere 30. (And a cup o’ light soy’s just 50.) More than that, though, is the saturated fat factor. While almond milk’s rich in heart-healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats, the kind the comes from a bovine’s booby is largely saturated fat – the icky kind that can contribute to heart disease. As for soy, you may get some sat fat, but a regular glass of it can also reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. (That’s just science-y speak for “bad blood cholesterol”. Which can make you sick. And dead.). I’d say skip the cow fountain altogether and alternate between the two healthier choices in lieu.

2.) Swap au natch strawberries in for preserves

Fun fact: one measly tablespoon of strawberry preserves is 50 calories.

Now, some folk will try to compare four strawberries as being about the same. And, to be fair, they are – technically and calorie wise. However, the truth’s you can actually enjoy a whole bowl if you eat them in their freshly plucked form. Why? ’cause you don’t have all that high sugar content from the preserves that transmogrifies into flubber once it’s entered you. If you can fill up with fewer fatty ramifications and less of an energy crash later, why not?

3.) Ban bad brands for fruit and nut granolas

One example I saw was “Bear Naked” versus “Cascadian Farm Organic”. The former’s got about 140 calories per quarter cup, while the latter’s just 70. Calories aside, though, when you shop for the better brands, you’re also curtailing added sugar and salt (often added to the nuts so it can hijack your tongue-buds to keep you reaching for more). By skipping the salt, you A.) are less likely to have another helping and a half, and B.) Avoid water retention that makes you look and feel like you need to lose even more weight than you do.

4.) Spritz citrus versus drowning in dressing

Don’t be fooled by “organic” labels. A couple tablespoon’s of Annie’s Organic Goddess dressing (120 cals) is packing three times the number calories of her Gingerly Vinaigrette one. But you know what’s even better than the both’ve those? Freshly squozen (is squozen a word?) lemons and limes. If my salad feels boring, I animate it by adding some citrusy fruits, avocado, or inviting any number of other plant based stuff to party on my palate.

(Don’t get me wrong. On an all green salad, that’s boring.
I kinda wanna voluntarily do a dietary relapse just thinking of it.
Add some edamame and olives and ‘matoes and nuts, though… and it’s a total taste rave.)

5.) Skip the dried fruit

Did you know a quarter cup of raisins has 123 calories in it? Compared to some other snacks, that’s not necessarily bad. However, I’mma say the same thing I did about the strawberries versus preserves. The more straight-out-the-earth and au-natch the snack, the more nutrient dense and juicier it is. This is good because the juicer (AKA higher water content) food fills you up better so you’re not hungry so soon after. And you’re also less ravenous later with a more nutrient dense a food because your brain ‘n body both won’t feel deprived. That said, I won’t compare raisins to grapes when it comes to calories. If all the other stuff you’re eating’s healthy, you can go ape-shiz on the grapes. (Well, kinda. You wanna save room for variety ‘n keep your eating regime well-rounded.)

So, there’s a good swap-out starter menu filled with savory stuff to save your diet. There’re probably a lot’ve other great shoe ins, too… but as someone who sorta goes mostly for the less artificial food selections, sometimes I have to actively ask snackers still stuck on processed foods what it is they’re used to. What they’re still hooked on. Which kitchen addictions are keeping them bound down by pounds and a waistline tape measure. And the results don’t lie. By pairing a bit more time in your gym shoes with shoe ins like these, the weight should melt off like butter.

Which you should also bench from the baking game.

And sub in all stars like olive, coconut, or sesame oil.

(Which is your number 6 kitchen switch, BTW.)

#diet#food substitutes#snacks#swaps

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