Eight easy vegan protein-to-go snacks

April 16, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

No offense, but… we’re kinda over it.

That whole “where do you get your XYZ nutrients” (when derisively inquired) is as old and boring a question for vegans as it is a sad, ironic joke. (Check my previous article on this for a list’ve other nutrients we’re assumed to be losing out on.) And the irony’s because: not only are most vegans I know in stellar health, but also ’cause most of the folk asking have fatter azzes and a longer list of maladies than mine or fellow plant feeders. (Not a difficult feat seeing as I can count on a quarter of a pinkie how frequently I’ve gotten sick since making the switch.)All that said, I’m not knocking anyone still hooked on animal products. And I don’t aim to change them anymore by writing this than I’m tryn’a drag a random crack addict to a twelve step meeting by writing about addiction. You do you, shawty. I stays in my lane. This isn’t about that. But, what I am is a bee-like vegan (bee-gan?) in that I will sting you with info (albeit civilly) and respond by educating you – should you cross me sardonically with malevolent intentioned questions you don’t really even wanna know the answer to regarding my health.

(Funfact: plants are also fantastic for hiding an involuntary case of eye-roll.)

But I will answer.

’cause part’ve an attempted compassionate path is tolerating halfwits.

Nonetheless, for the sake benefit-of-the -doubtery, let’s assume you legitimately do wanna know. Let’s say mayhaps your daughter or son’s expressing an interest in a cruelty free diet. And you’re an awesome parent who’s being supportive. Or maybe you yourself wanna follow a compassionate path – and plan to make your meals a part of that. Or, if you’re already a fellow non animal nommer, just setting out on this amazing, life-changing way of being that’ll Cinderella you into über schemixiness with endless energy… then, kudos, my dude. (Or dudette.) Whoever you are, everyone can enjoy these eight eats that’ll easily coax protein into your tummy trap while you’re on the go.


If you get ’em boxed or canned (sans the BPA, pretty please), you won’t hafta go through the trouble of dumping them in a cooker, waiting, and then scraping their mushy remains from a tupperware in a week. (I hear “Eden” is a good brand to keep handy.) And, exactly how much protein are we getting with this stuff? Well, half a cup o’ kidney beans has got 8 grams of protein, while black soy’s got 11. If you’ve got some time on your hands, put ’em in soup or on salads like I do by night. If not, toss ’em in a to-go bag so you can dine while driving like I do by day. (But only if you can multitask fooding and cruisin’ without murdering anyone.)


I’ll be honest. I’m not as big a fan of powders as I am of straight-out-the-earth (or tree – whatever) stuff. But, I hear you can get up to 25 grams of protein per serving by sneaking a scoop of Vega (that’s one brand that’s popular) into your morning smoothie. Why? ’cause it’s got peas, quinoa, hemp, brown rice, and soy (all additional great ways to prize protein from your diet).


Some find tofu to be a bit bland. I personally love the stuff. But when I feel like it could stand a savory level-up, I sprinkle some seasoning on it and snack away at about a third of a package to pack in 10 grams of protein.


Another great thing for eating as you egress is edamame.

Not only is it a full on taste fiesta of only 150 calories, but just one cup comes with 12 grams of protein.

(Newbie protip: squeeze ‘n eat – no nomming the pod part.)


A new addition to my diet, tempeh has proven itself a worthy protein provider. And I would hope so, seeing as 4 oz of it boasts a whopping 22 grams’ve the stuff. Cut it up ahead of time (or just lazily break it into pieces like I do) and you can gobble it on the go.


Don’t give me that look. If McD’s is made to consume in your car, so is McV’s. (That’s my hypothetical name for the animal-free to-go chain that’ll be running the country one day in lieu of the current urine colored arches one.) Anyway, when it comes to veggie burgers, they’re generally kinda like protein powders – an amalgamation of plant based protein foods mushed into a patty and paired with a whole wheat honey-free bun. But they’re fully capable of offering up to 26 grams per patty if you find the right kind. Dress up your burger beforehand, and you can munch it on the run.


Grab a handful o’ these for over 7 grams of the stuff.

The plus? The crunch factor.

(There’s something oddly satisfying about mastication that crackles betwixt your enamel.)


Post cardio, load up on a low-cal glass o’ soy milk for 7 grams of protein.

Or rock a coffee twofer – just sub it in for the stuff they squeeze outta cows, by adding it to your latte in lieu.

(It comes multi-flavored for those who ain’t plain-taste fans.)

Well, there we are, my friends.

Whether you’re vegan, vegan-curious, trans-vegan, or completely carnivorous, I ain’t judging.

(Not out loud anyway.)

I just hope that wherever you come from, these protein poppers’ll help fuel you wherever you’re headed.


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