Is saffron the magic, natural weight loss answer?

December 15, 2015 Ashley 0 Comments

It’s not often you’ll hear me promo a diet pill.

And while today’s no different, what I am is intrigued.

Intrigued about this au naturale plant extract I’ve never heard of till now, called saffron.

Although the stuff’s been used for its other healing properties since historic times (in everywhere from Greek islands to Iran), it’s regained popularity more recently for another big reason: big people. And we’ve sure got a lot of those in my country. While I’d normally go on about how dietary supplements are to be eschewed, I’m trying to be open minded here. (Namely because this one comes from a plant and isn’t fettered by chemicals.) And also because, while self-mastery’s far more rewarding, I get that not everyone has experienced the benefits of fitness before. Or self-validation for that matter. When I try to empathize with how that feels, I realize that means I’m considering someone who doesn’t have any tangible reward to look forward to – nothing they can be sure of. I mean, sure, they know how good pizza tastes. But they don’t know how good being lighter feels. So why would they choose the hard and healthy and unfamiliar way? I wouldn’t, if that’s where I was coming from. Some folk have sadly been raised fat (inculcated into the mass cult of awful, addictive, torpor inducing food from a self serving industry early on) and have no idea how wonderful a fit, energy infused life can feel. If you’re among those people, it’s not your fault that that happened. If you’re among those people, you can change it. To you, I’d say – yeah. Look it up and maybe give this stuff a try.

Because it’s A.) a natural extract. And B.) seems to have few if any ill side effects reported about it.

(It may look like scarlet schwag – but it’ll do the opposite of imparting the munchies.)

Admittedly, I was initially very skeptical about the stuff. So, I sought out some scientific findings.

And what does science have to say?

Well, per one study done at Biomedical and Global Clinical Solutions with overweight women:

“Our results indicate that Satiereal consumption produces a reduction of snacking and creates a satiating effect that could contribute to body weight loss. The combination of an adequate diet with Satiereal supplementation might help subjects engaged in a weight loss program in achieving their objective.”

But, that wasn’t enough for me. I get sick of the soft language surrounding scientific findings sometimes. “Could” and “might” tell me nothing. Especially when so few studies have been done on non-pharma products like these. I needed more before I could decide if saffron was worthy to share with you all. Thus, I did the same I did with my wild lettuce research. I set out for a quest of investigative hating on this product to prove a point. And, in the end, I came up with very little to satiate my preconceived notion organ. Because this stuff satiates overeaters to the point of some serious results on the fat reduction front.

And I couldn’t seem to spot many downsides.

While WebMD does caution that it can cause nausea or noggin aches, I had trouble finding anyone online attesting to that. One testimonial after the other on Amazon’s saffron supplements seemed to praise the plant’s pound plummeting effects. Emotional eating was a thing of the past for these people. There are blogs devoted to it. Even the one Youtube video I finally found claiming to criticize this crocus was merely clickbait. The “Watch this before you take saffron” title drew me in, only to promo the stuff as amazing.

Yet again, just another natural remedy and best kept secret.

This flower can’t fund the powers that be, so they won’t fund its research. Which means you don’t hear about it. And if it weren’t a safe herb, you wouldn’t be hearing about it from me, either. I’ve literally got nada to gain by promo’ing a plant. (Not yet anyway. Do any’a you saffron guys want to pay me to stand in a swimsuit and hold up a bottle? No? Mmmkay. Moving on.) While I always will champion hard work, willpower, and self affirmation before supplements – I do get that it can be difficult for some of us to understand how any of that can be worthwhile. Especially when it’s so easy to get good and addicted to shizzy food. And especially if you’ve known only the wrong way your whole life. Change is hard. But I promise it’s worth it. So, let’s get fit while we doubly stick it to the man. First by doing your research on this stuff for yourself. Then by maybe trying this nature based alternative (which they don’t want you to know about) to diet pills that’ll help eradicate cravings. And, finally, by using your new lack of snack susceptibility to start a healthier, more plant based lifestyle that’s more sustainable. (Also by using that newfound energy to get up, move, and make better ingestion choices.) That’s the happy trek I traipse these days, and I don’t even need supplements or willpower to stay lean. It’s pretty awesome. Once you’re detoxed from those destructive downer foods, you just don’t want them anymore. It’s not a struggle. Staying slender’s simple.

So, my imminently former porkies: a leaner, gleeful life awaits you.

Use this stuff as a bridge to the light side, if you like.

(Or, just go overly manly man style and badazz your way here via sheer willpower.)

Whatever you do, just remember that you can initiate change any time you like.

#getting back in shape#herbs#plants#saffron#supplements

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