Tag - supplements

December 5, 2016

Is the creatine workout power-up worth it?

Having difficulty getting the energy for a workout? And… is the supplement aisle suddenly starting to seduce you as a result? Yeah. I get the temptation. Especially when I see...

December 3, 2016

Are you sabotaging your own weight loss by taking probiotics the wrong way?

Did you know your gut bugs can give you a gut? (Along with weight gain *elsewhere* on your body?) Did you know they can also help you lose weight? And...

November 2, 2016

Are you timing your vitamins right for weight loss?

Wait – what? Vitamins can make you lose weight? Well, why the hell’ve I been holding out on you for so long then?! Hurry up, Ashley – go on and...

August 30, 2016

Did science just find weight loss in a bottle of beer? Impossi-brew!

This just in from science: Beer might just be the new way to lose weight in the near future. Or… gain fewer pounds, at least. And, no, I’m not referring...

August 20, 2016

Vysera: will this magic pill make you lose weight?

You’ve probably heard before that there’s no “magic bullet” when it comes to weight loss. And, I hate to say it, but this article on the latest craze – Vysera...

March 10, 2016

Is apple cider vinegar a magic pound dropping potion?

“Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object.” Newton allegedly had an encounter with this, sitting under the apple tree. But what if an actual...

February 5, 2016

Is this the missing vitamin from your weight loss plan?

Ah, that got your attention. A pill that can answer all of your weight loss plateau woes. Right? Well, let’s start with the hard facts first: like anything else, you’re...

December 15, 2015

Is saffron the magic, natural weight loss answer?

It’s not often you’ll hear me promo a diet pill. And while today’s no different, what I am is intrigued. Intrigued about this au naturale plant extract I’ve never heard...

December 8, 2015

Will yerba mate minimize your mass? Or just cause cancer?

I love my green tea. In a way, it’s kinda like a traditional cup of joe. (Except sans the those jitters I’d get when I guzzled the stuff.) Plus, its...

November 30, 2015

Four au natch pound droppers (part 2).

Last article, we reviewed a couple’ve natural weight loss supplements. Because – while a balanced diet and fitness path is always the base upon which we should be operating –...

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