Why your routine for your rump’s hit a slump…

December 16, 2015 Ashley 0 Comments

So, your 50 squat a day routine has hit a plateau.

I mean, things started out well enough, but it seems your butt’s just not where you’d hoped it’d be (Upward. And tight) by this point. Since you’re smart, you probably already know that a healthy diet’s vital for a firm fanny. And since you’re committed, you’re probably already taking that to heart and loitering more in the produce aisle than the bakery. So, what gives? Aside from the meat on your seat? Well, while you’re smart and committed, what you may not know is that the butt’s actually made up of three muscles – not one. That means that simply squatting isn’t enough because… well, why would it be? If you’ve got three muscles to work, then this means you’ve got three muscles to target – with three different exercises. And while squats are definitely one of them (seeing as they target the gluteus maximus) that means we’ve still got two more to add to our routine for our gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles.

But, just for the sake of starters stumbling upon this page, let’s start with the go-to booty blaster first:


As mentioned, this move’ll work the glute max beautifully.

What we can do is start with this one, for fifteen to thirty reps, making sure form’s as fantastic as these chicks’:

(Keeping weight on the heels and knees behind toes, stick that thang out.
Then drop it like a cup you took out of the microwave too early.)

In a few weeks, when that gets too easy, add in some weight:


Wanna great azz? Then you’ve gotta kick like one does.

While this one also works the gluteus maximus a bit, it’s an excellent gluteus minimus toner, too.

Again, we’ll do fifteen to thirty reps – right after the squats and (again) make sure form’s “on fleek”:

(Four to the floor, lining up knees under hips and wrists under shoulders.
Fire up the core, square with the floor.
Bend right leg, flex foot, and slowly drive that badboy toward the heavens ’til the thigh’s parallel with earth.)

Once you find yourself yawning at how simple this’s become, try a band mod:


And, finally on our list: the move your pup does during potty time.

(In which case, mine should be called “right on my freshly cleaned carpet” instead’a “fire hydrant”.)

While you may look like a canine eliminating waste, this one’s great for the gluteus medius.

(The green region on the chart above.)

(Again, on all fours, keep your shoulders wide and palms flat on the ground.
Bend knees to 90-degree angle, and with back straight – raise that thigh to your chest, then out to the side
Ah, ah, ah. Keep them hips still, girl. This’sn’t a Shakira video.
Now, that same leg comes slowly backward… before returning to neutral.)

And, yes, when the pup pee pose gets too easy, you can also add a band to destroy your derriere all over again:

Plus to doing this tush toning trio? It doesn’t just cut blubber; it also cuts your time spent exercising down. If you don’t have enough moments in your day (or mental energy) to either memorize longer circuits, do a DVD hour’s worth of Brazilian butt shapers, or wait for Youtube videos to stop skipping cuzza your shoddy wifi connectch, this is brilliant in how simple it is to remember. And, if you’re like me and still have trouble recalling the other moves once the time chime’s squat o’ clock, just commit this stupid story to memory to remember the three exercises names: “The donkey kicked over the fire hydrant and now you have to squat to pick it up.” Derpy, but effective.

Now, combine all’a those three exercises – fifteen to thirty reps each – twice over.

(Daily. Betwixt healthy food choices.)

By the time slutty duds weather resumes, you’ll be ready.

And in the meantime, your rear’ll look mean in them jeans.

#butt#donkey kicks#fire hydrants#squats

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