How to Wiggle Your Way to Weight Loss

May 7, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

A song came on the radio today.

It was this poppy, clubby, dance song. One I’d not heard in about ten years. And, just like that, I was transported back to 2007. Somewhere in L.A. – dancing in a club, wondering if my face full of drugstore foundation (that probably didn’t match my neck) was sweating off yet, as I gyrated in sync with a heap of people to some Gabriel & Dresden tune. Yes, those were the days. The days where I knew nada about fitness (except the fact that I was proudly doing it all wrong). However, as I reflected on my memory of ignorant bliss, I did wonder: what kinda workout was I getting, spending those nights dancing my toes tired?

I mean, these days, club life isn’t exactly my scene. Sure, I could pass for the age group wandering in there, on the hunt for generous men with bottle service or attention for the dress they just bought that cost almost as much as their college degree, gathering dust back at home. It’s just not my thing now. However, I do still love dancing. I’m not saying I’m good at it. Like, if it were a listable skill on LinkedIn, I wouldn’t add it. (And no one would endorse me.) But I still enjoy it, at random. So, the question remained: how many calories do those of us fitness minded wigglers burn by bumping our bums to a beat?

Spoiler alert: it’s a what-sorcery-is-this amount.

(Disclaimer, though: none’ve us will ever look as good in tights as Bowie, so don’t even try)

According to one study done, a 125 lb person can rid roughly 180 calories after half an hour of fast paced body movin’. I know, right?! That’s about as much as a boring jog – if not more. And if you’re 30 pounds heavier than that, you still burn about 223. Pretty sweet for something you do when you’re just having fun with your squad the whole time, am I right? That said, if you’re a dancefloor freak, the obvious caveat to your cavorting is that your refreshments in the club better be club soda. ’cause after just a couple of your go-to sugary booze missiles, you’ve added back everything you’ve worked off. Same goes for those after-club munchies, when the only thing open is McFastFood.

But if you’re more like me – and bopping around with Vodka in your tummy’s not your thing – alternatives exist. For one, it’s summer now. So that means plenty’ve festivals are making their way around the country. Go to any good hippie shindig (like Burning Man and the like), and alcohol’s not the primary focus. Sure, plenty’ve people will be drinking. But, where there are hippies, you’ll find plenty’ve recovered sober folk just looking to move to music. Same goes for concerts in general. Especially the outdoor ones.

Then again, if you’re the more competitive type, you can take your sick moves inside and try DDR. A buddy of mine in high school was overweight and depressed until he discovered this game. He got really good at it, lost a lot’ve weight, made a bunch’ve friends, and – by the next time I saw him – I didn’t even recognize the dude.

Or maybe you like dancing, but you’ve got zero rhythm. Still, you wanna learn. So, why not try one’ve those dance classes? It doesn’t matter if it’s with a bunch’ve middle aged moms doing Zumba or whatever yogilates-barre-chakra-EDM-wear-your-favorite-crystal-to-class thing they’ve come up with now. Try it out. Get your sweat on. Learn some sweet moves and leave your fat behind. (The plus? Most of the folks in those classes have no rhythm either.)

Then, finally, when all else fails, just DIY. This goes especially for the self conscious who dig dancing, but can’t do it like no one’s watching – unless no one truly is. So, take some time during those moments you’re alone, pop on your favorite Spotify, and pop ‘n lock or pirouette your way to a slimmer physique.

And what if you don’t fancy the fast dance stuff? The truth is, the rapid brands of groovin’ might burn more; but that doesn’t mean that what you like does nothing for you. It’s kinda like comparing two irksome workouts – or either to the sitting on the couch. If it’s between a gym machine you hate or tunes you can’t vibe with, you’re probably not gonna do either, right? You’re gonna choose to park your caboose in lieu. But if you’re willing to move to something – anything that gets your heart rate up – for half an hour, then guess what? Your choice of beats beat an evening of burying your butt in a couch cushion.

In the end, whether it’s at a concert, club, gym, or just doing a jig in your digs – that’s up to you.

Just get up, get down, and drop the pounds as the beat does.

#dancing weight loss#unconventional weight loss#weight loss#workouts

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