How to Spring “Break” Bad Habits and Lose Weight (Part 2)

April 13, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

So, now that we’ve learned how to use warm weather to better our diets, let’s move on…

To moving out in that warm weather.

Sure, the gym may’ve gotten boring enough to skip when winter was perma-PMS’ing.

But, now that it’s gorgeous, we can gorge on outdoor activities. Starting with…

____ Running

“Running” sounds so basic, you’re probably rolling your eyes already. But what if you add something before it? Beach running? Race running? Trail running? (My fave.) Adding something cool – like a novel environment, enduring it with a friend, or signing up for a 5K can make it far more alluring than simply hitting the concrete in your boring neighborhood or the treadmill, with that playlist you’re growing exponentially weary of.

Lob a ball around

Last year, my boyfriend and I grabbed a couple tennis rackets and headed to the local courts. Were we good? Absolutely not. Did we have fun? Absolutely. Did we piss off the skilled duo neighboring our court, ’cause we couldn’t keep the ball in ours? Absolutely. (Again.) But the important part of this was that we were building a bond and revving oxytocin levels (crucial in dampening that proclivity to stress-eat later) and getting in some quality exercise. Especially chasing after that ball we couldn’t seem to aim if our live’s depended on it.

Sweat Messiah style

Why not make like Jesus and walk on water? Errr… or work out on it at least? Because, while I couldn’t suggest submerging in the polluted waters surrounding the area in which I live (you might come out with a third arm), being atop or around it sure is a nice way to work out. Something like kayaking works your arms and SUP (stand up paddle boarding) isometrically works all your body parts as well as your upper extremities. Couple that with the calming aspect of being on the water, and you’ve definitely dosed yourself with a decent amount’ve endorphins so you’ll eschew extra chewing later.

Work your fur baby

They say that energies rub off on us. So, if we want high energy, it makes sense that we’d hang out with high energy entities, yes? Definitely. And, who’s got more energy than your pup? I think I burn more calories playing with my dog than I do running HIIT on the treadmill. Why? Because she’s so full of life that she makes me feel just as adrenalized. Also, the joy she brings makes me wanna keep playing fetch or running around with her for longer than I would doing something like a monotonous non-animated machine.

So, go ahead.

Enjoy revamping your gastric habits. Shed some sweat, layers, and el-beez amongst the bees and the birds.

And spring “break” all your bad habits for massive weight loss before your actual spring break.

#spring weight loss#summer weight loss#weight loss hacks

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