How to “keep up with” Khloe’s kardio and klean eating regime

November 1, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

Yes, yes… I hate myself a little for that intentionally misspelled title, too.

And… I get it. They’re celebs. Not real people, right? How can you possibly compare when they’ve got oodles of time to focus on nada but their bodies while the nanny (sorry – “au pair” is the posh way to put it) fosters their progeny? Well, maybe. Maybe they don’t have lives quite like us. But, loathe the media focus on them though I do, I couldn’t help but notice the transmogrification of one Khloe Kardashian of late. I know. You vomited a little in your mouth just hearing that name now. But hear me out. Because, unlike the ballerina bodies Blake Lively and Gwyneth Paltrow have probably always had, Double K has always struggled with her weight. Sure, she had the time and the money and everything at her disposal. But, just like many of us allege, she always claimed she could never lose weight.

Until more recently.

(Wait – when’d she become Armenian Marilyn Monroe, tho?)

Now, I won’t talk about her personal life or anything that led to her sudden fat blasting path. (That’s not what our focus is about here.) But what I will focus on, is the fact that she took a negative event and turned it into a positive, motivating force. We all need to find the right inspiration to invite big change into our lives. And, after we find that, then we do things like start a diligently healthy diet and hire celebrity body sorcerer, Gunnar Peterson. Oh, you can’t afford him, either? (Twinsies!) No worries, though. ’cause Khloe’s daily diet and gym gyrations serve as a perfect example of what to do.

First, the workout: Per Gunnar, she puts in about an hour, five times a week. And, while that may sound sort’ve tedious, he keeps it fun for her by mixing it up: sometimes it’s weights, sometimes it’s intervals, sometimes he’ll throw in boxing (man after my own heart). Bottom line is that homie knows the importance of covering all bases when it comes to taming your frame into shape.

Specifically, Peterson shares:

“Some days it’s more heart-rate-intensive, some days it’s more lower-extremities-intensive, some days the upper extremities get a little extra love,” says the celebrity trainer, who says he uses bigger movements rather than isolated movements to tone up muscles (…) You have to challenge your body with an external load,” says Peterson, explaining why weight-lifting is essential to weight loss.”

But he also knows the golden rule:

“As the changes have come, the diet has tightened up,” says Peterson. “You can’t out-train a bad diet, and you can’t out-diet a bad lifestyle. She’s made better choices when she eats. She’s been more conscious about working on sleep habits. She hydrates better.”

And, sure, enough – Khloe keeps it clean as far as eating goes. First, she typically’ll wake up early. (Which is wise because that’s the best time to work out – before your brain can argue with you.) After that, she’ll have some caffeine and water, hit the gym (and do all the above stuff), and then follow it up with a protein shake and oatmeal. (Also smart, because that one-two punch both fills you for hours and prevents the plummet of blood sugar like other foods.) Then, around midday, it’s a protein peppered salad, followed in a few hours by steamed veggies and more protein. And, if she gets hungry in between? (Legit concern when you’re busy AF being one third of the most adored/abhorred tri-con in America and maybe the world.) Then, she’ll have some hummus and chopped veggies. And this is beautiful to hear – especially juxtaposed against the attempted starvation diets she used to punish herself with. Fitness should feel like a celebration of your body and of life – not the snack and sweat equivalent of a wool sweater and whip.

(Because of her, I now know that such a thing called “Earth Bar” exists.
And will spend my life hunting it down – just like I did this image.)

Sure, she cheats sometimes. (We all need a cheat day hither ‘n thither.) But the thing is, she’s diligent about keeping her new routine almost all’ve the time. What’s more – she never skimps on the gym and she never makes excuses. What she does make, is time: Per Gunnar himself, “She never cancels. It can be a night where she’s short on sleep. It can be a day where she has an engagement for that day. She may have something at 8 – then we’re going at 6.” How’s she manage that? Well, she’s let that fitness focus bleed far enough into her other habits that stuff like an earlier bedtime or fewer libations has just begun coming more naturally to her. (Which allows her to both wake up earlier and feel like hitting the gym.) And that – letting it become part’ve your identity – is the one thing that’s central to any successful health venture. That’s how she’s lost upwards of 30-something pounds in no time. Forget the reality show and media concocted drama. This is the facet of Kardashianism that I wanna “keep up with”.

So, what’ve we learned here today? Well, a few things. First, fitness begins inside (and inside’ve the kitchen). Second, weight loss doesn’t come to those who raincheck on their trainers or make stupid “too busy” or “common man” excuses to skip the gym. And last, but not least? That hating on the famous burns exactly zero calories.

In the end, whether she deserves to have the Hollywood spotlight is irrelevant.

Miss K’s turned her misfortune into an amazing weight loss (and overall life) transformation.

And that always deserves a spotlight on this site.

#celebrity fitness#khloe kardashian#weight loss

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