How to “brain” your way to weight loss

June 9, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

“Eat more mindfully, and you’ll lose weight…”

“Stow the phone and the T.V. so you can focus on your food…”

“Notice all the textures and tastes of your meal…”

(“Become one with the citrus orb…”)

Okay, minus mayhaps that last suggestion, mindful eating’s an awesome way to lose weight. In fact, it works beautifully as a belly-brain hack. Why? Well, when your attention’s placed on your plate solely, you tend to lessen your ingestion. You’re focusing on texture, taste, aromas, and how full you are. The only problem: um… who actually ever does it? We’re a culture who’s simply not willing. And, I get it. Most of us wanna scroll through our Facebook feeds, validate our friends with likes, see who’s validating us back, and read that one eyeroll worthy post about the latest political shenanigans so we can impart our two cents worth. (Because the strangers reading it legitimately care what we think, right? #wastedtime.) Or, for some of us (see: me), dinner is downtime. I may not be on social media. But the absolute last thing I wanna do after a day on my feet, catering to strangers is turn my comforting and healthy meal into another task. I’m done focusing for the day. Gimme Big Bang Theory reruns and my veggie soup.

So, how can we make ourselves more mindfully eat?

Easily. See, we don’t need to turn every meal into a meditation.

Just one of them.

(Preferably the one we tend to overdo.)

And what good’s that do?

I mean, if I don’t do it for all of ‘em, shouldn’t I just forget it altogether? False. False and a half, even. Because, whatever we practice, we tend to get better at. So, if you pick just one meal (like maybe breakfast or lunch – when your brain’s still alert), three things happen. First, as you mindfully munch away, you’re not just practicing morsel focus. Nope. This is an edible investment. In fact, as you head back to the office (or clinic… or movie set… or whatever you do), it’ll immenstly help your brain get in a mode where you can better focus on other tasks during the balance of your workday.

Second, you’ll start to lose weight over time. Why? Because you’re in a calmer state. And when you’re in a calmer state, there’s less belly inflating cortisol hanging around. Also when you’re on a zen level, less stress eating happens, too.

And, third? Third is that your subconscious’ll also pick up on this habit, and transfer it into your other meal times. Even the ones on which you’re not focusing so much. As you’re clicking the remote control or scrolling through your crush’s Snap story, that bit’ve your brain will still be more likely to kick in, take note of your nosh’s quality, calm you, and let you know when you’re ready to relinquish the fork.

So, if you can’t commit to this hippie method every time you eat, that’s fine.

But, don’t toss out your weight loss baby with the awareness bathwater.

Just choose one or two meals, give it a go, and see if you can’t brain your waistline into cinching inward.

#diet hacks#mindful eating#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips

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