How Eating Protein Before Bed Makes You Lose Weight

November 21, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Remember the story of Jack and the beanstalk?

(Disney’s literally the only version I’ve ever read or seen)

Ya know. It’s the one where homeboy bought a bunch of beans, grew a stalk overnight, and climbed it the next morning to a sky giant who granted all his hopes and dreams and fitness goals? Okay, okay… maybe I’ve forgotten how it goes a little. But the gist is: beans are pretty great. So are a bunch of our other protein sources. (It’s one of the three biggies – along with carbs and healthy fats – that we need to stay healthy and lose weight.) And, if we grab a handful of this macro before bed like Jack did, and plant it in our bellies, some magic can indeed happen. Maybe it’s not cloud bound plant magic, mind you, but some very definite weight loss results can transpire from this practice.

And how’s that? What’s so great about late night protein?

Well, according to those who’ve taken the time to do studies on this, there’s an actual science to it. See, protein loading your tummy gun before your slumber can do two things. The first is firing up your body furnace. Eating some seeds or beans or nuts means your metabolism remains elevated through the snooze hours. That, in turn, means you keep burning more through the night than you would had you ended the eve with mac ‘n cheese. In a way, it’s kinda like pre-workout for bedtime.

What’s more, it also works on a preventative level, performing damage control before the damage can even happen. Muscle breakdown is often common through the night. We can’t do much about it. But you know who can? That handful of almonds you just put in your gullet. How? Because protein’s got these amino acid soldiers in it who’ve got your back in nocturnal battle. Like loyal guard dogs, they protect your brawny empire from breakdown and help keep you intact. And, since we burn more when we’ve got more muscle, that’s a legit win for your weight loss goals.

Now, if you look at the suggested amount, it may seem counter-intuitive.

That’s a lot of extra calories, right?

But, truly, all you need is to either take it shake form, intermittent fast before supper, or eat light until night.

So eat those magic beans (or nuts… or seeds…) pre-sleep.

They may not lead you to a sky giant, but at least they’ll keep you from being giant this holiday season

#weight loss foods#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks weight loss advice

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