How a working lunch can make you fat (and less productive).

March 18, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

Are you the working-lunch sort?

“Leaving the office for lunch is the new vacation! And I don’t have PTO!”

Ah, yes. You’re so dedicated, that you never take time away from the workplace. Right? You’re a money machine. A robot. One’ve those hosts from Westworld. A business juggernaut, juggling four screens in front’ve you. Sure, it seems laudable – but, actually it may be more laughable, in terms of weight loss and productivity goals. Because, according to recent health research, perhaps we should all be power walking instead’ve powering through all 8+ hours. And why should you? When every second away from your desk’s cents and dollars missed? Well, because, not only do you stand to maximize your earning potential by taking a daily mid-work micro-holiday. That does definitely happen. But, by abandoning the laptop and tasks for a half hour or more, you could also minimize your waistline.

First off, if you’re sitting for too long, that’s already health-detrimental. Significant studies have been done, showing a correlation between corpulence and extended sitting. In fact, in one effort, they observed that subjects who sat for longer, accrued up to 50% more fat cells. So, anything we can do during the day to prevent that (from a standing desk, to a noon hour getaway) is fantastic for our weight loss efforts.

Also, if you’re getting a good stride down the sidewalk toward your favorite cafe, you’re doing your future solid-bodied self a solid. Two-fold. First, your inner Regina George, desperately seeking to lose five pounds, benefits. Raising your heart rate in the middle of the day and igniting your metabolism’s always great. But, also, by pressing pause on your daily professional playlist of emails and bits of neverending projects, you stand to do better at attacking all’ve that the moment your return with clear eyes. (This was actually a hack Einstein employed whenever he was stumped on a formula; he’d leave and achieve an epiphany while rowing or taking a stroll.)

“Guess what, everyone? I lit’rally just realized how to land myself that promotion Patricia thinks *she’s* gonna get. #AhaMoment”

Then, finally, on a weight loss level, there are two further benefits to a daily, halfway point promenade.

First, you’ve probably heard how stressed out folk tend to pack on the pounds with unfortunate ease. The antidote? Exercise. Exercise of any kind (however mild), drops those vexing cortisol levels – often responsible for making you hang onto fat. Second (and a yes-and to this) is the fact that not only does the lower cortisol help you on a hormonal level. It’ll also help a snack habit level. Because, when your stress decreases, guess what else does? Your tendency to stress eat late that night as you’re catching up on the past two episodes of “Big Little Lies”.

So, what’s the takeaway?

Take away your food from the desk, nix work for a bit, and return refreshed and metabolically better.

#diet habits#i#lunch#weight loss hacks

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