Have You Tried This Matrix Style Weight Loss Method?

October 17, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Think you’ve tried everything to end the detestable pendulum swing of weight extremes?

Then why not try the kinda pendulum swing that hypnotizes you skinny?

Okay, to be fair, we’re not talking about a legit, old school, swaying pocket watch. It’s 2018. We don’t need to leave home and pay a human therapist. (Not when YouTube can do the job for free.) Indeed, I tried one of these not long ago when I’d fallen off the weight loss wagon – fully expecting for it to fail me. But, to my surprise, something fascinating began to happen. I didn’t crave snacks as much. I looked forward to healthy meals. Sweets seemed meaningless. And the comments from fellow hypnotees (which may or may not be an actual word) seemed to dovetail with my own experience firsthand.

(Link included if you wanna give it a go)

But then one comment ruined it for everyone by asking:

“Have you heard what she’s actually saying?”

Actually, I hadn’t. Not in great detail. I mean, sure, I skimmed it (to make sure they weren’t planting subconscious instructions to tar and feather myself in the town square.) But besides that, I, like all the other listeners, zonked out pretty quickly and let my snoozing cerebral computer do the dirty work of scrubbing the bad habits off my brain walls. But, after reading that, I stayed awake and listened to the whole thing. And… admittedly it does sound kinda odd when she’s talking about “learning to love your hunger pangs” because they’re the sound of your blubber getting sucked up by some gastric vacuum (okay, that last part might be my own colorful paraphrasing – but you get the idea). And, sure, it was a bit off-putting to hear that at first. That said, I do kinda get it. See, sometimes, when your baseline feeling about something is so extreme (like a food addiction), you almost have to head in the direction of the opposing extreme so that you can at least reach a middle ground. It’s the whole “aim for the moon and at least reach the stars” concept.

Snack gravity is tough to overcome.

Okay, so the analogy’s not scientifically ideal.

But the point remains: we frequently need to reach toward the polar opposites of our poor proclivities.

As an unrelated example, I actually had to do a form of this to get through this semester at school. My “baseline” is to hate studying. I totally resent it. I resent it the way a food addicted brain resents not getting the snack. So I found a way to make it interesting and something I enjoyed. I had to get myself as enthusiastically involved as possible. I had to travel to the opposite pole (from the one with hate pangs for Powerpoint lectures). I aimed for loving it. And I landed at least in “interested” territory. Why? Because my tendency is to avoid it totally. I typically dread it. But, by acquiring A level habits, I ensured that my F level baseline would aid me in reaching at least a B level status academically. And that’s what this recorded hypnosis does. The only difference is that you don’t have to suffer through actively reprogramming your habits like I did. Here, A level health habits get trained into your brain for you, so that you slowly progress to C and B eating habits when you wake. And reaching that mid-line happy medium seems to be the feedback pretty consistently reported. No one’s saying, “I’m anorexic now” because they suddenly associate hunger with an internal willpower win. No. They say they’re snacking less or simply making better choices. They didn’t even have to suffer through self denial. They just stopped wanting it. And it was all via some “Matrix” level programming. (Except, instead’ve waking up knowing Kung Fu, you wake up knowing how to turn down leftover lo-mein from Kung Fu Express.) And that’s great because, seeing as willpower is finite each day, you can put that self control or motivation toward other areas of your life. In the end, your best bet’s to search ’til you find a video with the most positive comments (about the actual results – not how “relaxing” it was) and give that one a try tonight.

I mean, how many other ways can ya lose weight without spending money or self-control?

#weight loss advice#weight loss hypnosis#weight loss tips

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