Green tea’s blacklisted for weight loss? Don’t go mad hatter. Do this instead.

November 15, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

They told you green tea was good for weight loss.

And they told you fixing your iron deficiency was as well.

Yet, you keep hunting that elusive hare called weight loss in vain. One weigh in at a time.

“Myeah, it’s still overweight thirty o’ clock. Keep chasing me, tho and you *might* burn a quarter’ve a calorie in an hour!”


Well, according to some horrifying information I recently read, it could be that the combo of the two’s detrimental for absorbing iron at all. Learning this, I spent the morning falling down the digital rabbit hole, in search of a workaround. Because, let’s face it – I’m not quitting my green tea. And if you’re as hooked as I am, neither are you. So, let’s look at the players, shall we? First off: we need iron. Obviously. It’s necessary for overall health. But even if you’re just here for vanity reasons instead’ve vitality ones, I’m speaking to your interests as well. ’cause without the stuff, you’re gonna be draggy, lethargic, and reluctant to run (or do any other workout, for that matter). Plus, when any of your levels are off, it can be be cause for innumerable other fat storing disorders to take place in your body. So, if you’re deficient, adding a supplement (or just eating iron high foods) could fix this.

And what’s green tea got to do with that? Well, a lot of fitness pros praise it over coffee for its weight loss effects (not the least of which is making for an epic sweat sesh.) It’s less jittery inducing, it offers a calm, caffeinated buzz, and it imparts the perfect pre-perspiration pizazz. That is – until it interferes with iron.

See, according to studies done on the combo of this beloved beverage with iron rich foods, something terrible transpires. To be specific, you can potentially reduce the absorption of your iron by (wait for it) a whopping 64%. Why? Because’ve a component within the tea itself that binds to iron, making it unable to do its job in your body.

It was at this point that I was about ready to float away on a sea of my own tears, like Alice.

I didn’t wanna believe it at all, in fact.

Maybe, I thought, if I don’t write an article on it – it won’t be true.

But we all know how well that works.

Thus, I searched a little further… and found the cure:

Yes. That’s right. There’s hope for us matcha addicts and green tea guzzlers. We don’t have to forego anything – just tweak our timing a bit. See, if you tend to be iron deficient (or just don’t want to risk becoming that way), the pros simply suggest sipping your cup of caffeinated comfort about an hour before (or after) taking your meals or supplements. (Versus during, which I admittedly do.) Or if you’re like me (and get your iron from plant-based sources… or drink tea pretty much all day long), couple your iron noshing with a bit’ve vitamin C. Why? ’cause V.C. acts like iron’s wingman and helps him get into your body. (And trust me, that’s one dude you don’t wanna shut down if you wanna shut down pounds.) Then, for a final option? Have more of your mineral at night when you know you won’t be drinking caffeine before bedtime. Protip, though: just don’t have your magnesium at the same time, ’cause it’ll compete even worse than the tea does.

We go nutty enough about the unhealthy stuff sabotaging our weight loss.

So, rest assured, there’s no need to go mad hatter on your own health promoting tea party.

Simply time your minerals and herbals accordingly, add a dash of C vitamins to your ferrous ingestion…

…and you can quit tearing your hair out trying to catch that scale hare.

“Maybe half of why y’all crazy is ’cause you’re eating red meat mouse *with* your tea…”

#deficiencies#green tea#iron#minerals#vitamins#weight loss

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