Edamame noodles are as kind to your taste buds as they are to your body

August 18, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

We all know we need protein to lose weight.

And we all (okay, maybe not all, but most of us) love pasta.

So… why not combine the two?

Well, the problem in times past has been that healthy pasta subs are often awful. The taste is off. The mouthfeel is nasty. Or maybe it’s just that the texture of spiralized veggies isn’t the same. And that makes us hate it. Whether it’s shirataki noodles or curly cues of zucchini, it’s just not close enough to what we wanted. This isn’t pasta. This is imposter pasta.

That is – until edamame hopped on the scene with this deliciousness:

Looks legit… but how’s it stack up?

Well, according to many a testimonial, edamame noodles (Ed-uccine? Spag-edamame?) not only taste better but also fill the mouthfeel quota of seeming similar to genuine noodles. And, beyond that, they also fill the fitness quota, too. Protein, iron, and fiber are all crucial to keeping friends with health, wellness, and our weight loss goals. That’s just a fact. And edamame noodles slaughter the competish in all those departments. Easily.

How? Well, first – its protein levels are 24 grams per serving, while its fiber sits at a grand tally of 12 grams. This beats your typical, bum widening macaroni by a landslide. The latter’s only got 7 grams of protein and 2 of fiber. And, while that may not sound very relevant to weight loss, it totally is. Protein and fiber both are a crucial duo that’re often overlooked in cutting down on blubber. Where protein helps you feel satisfied, fiber aids in feeling full – while also keeping your blood sugar level enough to avert between-meal cravings.

(Stumped for recipes? Add other veggies. Sauce it up.
Or enjoy some eda-ception by putting more beans in your green linguine.)

And when you’re ready to do your workout, this is the delicious gift that keeps giving.

Because, where regular noodles let you down, edamame noodles’ll elevate your energy via high iron levels. And what’s that do? Well, have you ever had an iron deficiency before? I did once (long before going vegan). You feel lethargic, your weight loss activity’s lackluster, and your motivation to move is zero. Basically, you feel like your cardio mojo’s been sucked out’ve you. Once added back into your diet, though, you feel invincible. You don’t have to force your way toward weight loss. Rather, it becomes enjoyable. Fun. Easy. So, being able to meet those energy boosting needs in such a delicious way is great news for an activity addict like myself. You get nearly half of your daily suggested ingestion of iron in a single serving of edamame noodles – while basic pasta’s got a whopping, disappointing ten percent. With stats like that, it almost seems too good to be true. (Let’s all pause to offer the pasta gods thanks that it’s not.) Yes, just like that, weight loss just got a lot more simple and savory for those’ve us who turn downright devilish for angel hair pasta.

Finally… We never need reserve our pasta binges for “cheat day” again.

#weight loss diet#weight loss foods#weight loss noodles

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