Can snoozing nude boost your metabolism?

May 19, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

You’ve probably heard that it’s to keep things chilly at bedtime.

Likewise, you’ve probably experienced why not to keep your sleep quarters warm, if you’re anything like I am.

First, you toss and turn to even get to sleep. Then, you wake up at 3 A.M., pouring from your pores, and panicking about only having “X” many more hours to catch up on precious recharge time. Tweak the thermostat level lower, however, and you’re down for the count – before you can even count sheep. Voila. You awaken, refreshed, to Bambi and birds and forest creatures greeting you at your bedside with breakfast. And you wanna know the beautiful yes-and to this? You might even burn off that breakfast a little better, thanks to your nightly temp adjustment.

See, napping in nippier conditions doesn’t just aid in drifting off to sandman land a little faster. It also can mean major weight loss, too. According to a study done in 2014, it also correlates with a significant rise in the kinda fat we do want around: brown fat. (Oh, you didn’t know there was a “good” kinda fat to have on your body? Then lemme educate you…) Brown fat’s fantastic because (unlike its inimical cousin, white fat, which induces obesity), it leads to further energy burning. The domino effect of that? More heat’s created to keep your body temp regulated. The result? Glucose metabolism’s improved, which means you store less (of the bad kind of) fat and ultimately burn more calories.

So, that’s all well and good. And in previous articles, the takeaway’s been to drag that temp regulator in your domicile down. However, if you’re anything like me (AKA riding the struggle bus through life without even being able to afford the fare), that stuff gets pricey. How’m I meant to make rent, keep healthy food on my fork, and fork out extra money for my Dominion bill? A chilly room’s an expensive investment.

That’s why I like to employ the following hacks that’re more “ghetto substitute” than the role Catwoman played in “Dangerous Minds”. The first? Cooling your cranial cushion. It’s said that the head’s one’ve the significant sites to overheat. So, why not start there? Just toss your nocturnal headrest in the fridge (preferably on the lower shelf, away from any food, because: gross) each A.M., by nighttime, you’ll have a nice, icy dome bolster. In no time, you’ll be having dreams so sweet that they’d raise your blood sugar if it weren’t for all the brown fat you were building up on by cooling your head.

(Or other areas. No judging.)

And speaking of cool heads, a showerhead pooling cool water at you’s yet another way to lower your body thermostat before bed. Now, I’ll be honest. This is one’ve those options I personally wouldn’t wanna try right before bed. (Cold showers put me into Tony Robbins state.) That said, this can work wonders for those who do it a few hours before zonk out o’ clock. I learned this one the tough way when I accidentally ran the shower too long to “warm it up” while handling a minor crisis in the other room. The result? Aside from me egregiously wasting water? Laving myself with liquid ice raining painfully from above me. Was I a little ornery after that? Absolutely. Did I sleep better when bedtime finally arrived? Absolutely.

So… do with that one what you will.

But my favorite by far, will always be the Marilyn Monroe wardrobe choice. Whether or not she ever said, “I have something on when I sleep – the radio” or “I sleep in Chanel perfume” (and even those paraphrased quotes are bastardized, undoubtedly), is up to us to decide. She doesn’t care. Homegirl’s rocking the eternal sleep. But for the rest of us who still have to wake up again at sunrise – and want to do it feeling (and ultimately looking) bombshelly as she did in her heyday, snoozing nude’s not a bad shoo-in for living in a refrigerator.

So, cool your pillow, shower down the temp, and shed those threads….

(Plus a few pounds, too.)

#sleep and weight loss#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips

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