Why I should’ve been cross training all along

April 3, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

So, it’s finally happened.

My running addiction’s caught up with me, just like everyone said it would. I’ve hit rock bottom. And it feels like a rock – a sharp one, in my right sock, constantly gnawing into the bones beneath my sole (soul?) See, for those’a you who don’t know me, I run twice a day. And while it’s only half an hour apiece (and while it’s on trails – not pavement), I’ve still managed to land myself a fracture from “overdoing it”, as they say. You might think I’d be saying “I wish I’d taken it easier” right now. You might think I’d do it differently if I could go back. But, honestly, I can’t say that that’s true. Not because of some “no regrets” mantra I like to live by, either. Rather, I’m an addict. And when it comes to exercising, that fact’s compounded. Because it’s the only place I find a high that never lets me down. It’s where I go to get my god and stay in shape. The question is – what’m I gonna do now? Well, at least, that was the primary self-inquiry I had the second I got the bad news. Swim in a pool? Cycle? Anything but the only thing I wanna do which is run?

And, the answer?

Yes, yes, and yes.

(Basically, I can do two thirds of a triathalon to my heart’s content. Which makes my heart zero percent content.)

And had I been cross training all along with a few’ve these go to shoe ins for my shoes striking the terrain so relentlessly and bi-daily, I pro’lly could’ve circumvented this whole self effery I’ve gotten myself into. Of course, only now am I able to “get” that. (It’s amazing how openminded you get when your preference’s no longer an option.) However, my brief research on the topic’s been overwhelmingly educational. And here’s why.

See, with cycling and swimming alike, you take the impact off your feet. Obvious, yeah, but what you also get with something like swimming is the benefit of water resistance increasing your endurance. Another bonus, I’m told is that it aids in ankle flexibility and stretches the hamstrings. (Real problem spot for me every morning in yoga – my “downward dog” pose is more of an “inadvertently twerking terrier”.) Then, of course, there’s the sudden focus on that thing I’ve been totally neglecting for the past foreverty years ’cause all I ever do is run. And that’s torso fortification.

And if I “just can’t” with that, then next one on the list’s spinning.

Or cycling in any form, really. Because the thing about biking is that it’s a flexibility level up for your hip and knee joints. (Which are tightness level: rigor mortis on me right now.) The nice thing is, too, you can simulate that gam turnover thing you get in running by mimicking it with intervals when you spin. In fact, if you go HAM with it, the pros say it’ll push your pins harder than even uphill running can. (The bonus being that you’re sans the impact. Which – admittedly I miss. Until I put my right foot down on the ground.) The other nice thing is that – sure, I can do the tour-de-nowhere stationary spin-cyle in the gym. But, seeing as part of my jogging nirvana was being outdoors, I can also pick up a cheap Schwinn, take it to the park, and become one with the elements.

(But not this much. I’m pretty sure this scene ends with her going eternal night night.)

So, there we have it. I’ve started the cycling and strength training. Next up’s learning how to turn myself into a mermaid. Then, after that, it’s all about trying to do each activity enough to compensate for my cardio preference I’m already going through withdrawals over. And sticking with it. You know, despite my resistance to alternative forms of cardio, this may just be one of those “Overcoming this life obstacle helped me be a better person. Hashtag: blessed…” Seriously, though I’m legit hoping that once I’m all healed up, I’ll have the good sense to include my new routine into life after this hellish holiday away from running. ’cause not only does cross training give the different bits of your body a break while you work new ones, but it also keeps you fitter and avoiding weight loss plateaus via variety.

Plus, if I’d broken my cardio up before, I might not have broken my foot bones now.

#active recovery#cycling#stress fracture#swimming

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