Weight Loss With Miley Cyrus (Part 2)

February 19, 2023 Ashley 0 Comments

Maybe the first three Miley Cyrus poolside gym moves are enough to get you started…

But the rest of us need more of this bikini queen.

So, let’s continue the Cyrus sweat sesh by doing some opposite knee to elbows:

These are, in large part, to blame for those abs she’s got that are making us hate ourselves.

But we don’t have to self loathe for too long. We just have to start doing it too. And, once we do, the major muscle group we’ll be working is the part of our core called the obliques. These muscles aid in trunk rotation. At the same time, we’re doubly working the core (inasmuch as it’s a balance exercise), our stability while we’re standing on one leg at a time, and our coordination. Add in the fact that she’s, again, using that same resistance band she had on for bear crawl pushups, and you’ve got a workout that’s straight fuego.

Next are burpees. You don’t get a picture of this one because I couldn’t screen cap it without poor Miley looking like a distressed muppet. However, I can vouch for how effective they are. These aren’t my BJJ instructor’s fave – but my Muay Thai coach sure loves (watching us) doing them. To be fair, I like them better than the grappling sprawls. That said, I still hate them, so let’s give me (and maybe you guys) an incentive to keep doing them along with those BCPs… In my research (after two seconds just now, one tab away) I’ve learned that burpees are worth it because they’re another full body exercise that also trains plyometric strength. They work the endurance for both upper and lower body, while building your chest, arms, shoulders (because of the pushup part) as well as the abs, glutes, hips, and legs (because of that plyo hop to quick jump back). As a protip, if you want these to suck a little less, come to a yoga class. The transitions in sun salutations from half lift to chaturanga are basically a slowed down version of a burpee minus the hop.

Then, finally, comes the bird dogs:

These are actually a great precursor to the standing activities she’s doing.

If you’re starting out with an exercise program that challenges balance and strength, starting in quadruped (hands and knees) is actually smart. It’s a lot harder to fall down, for one. But it also helps develop that foundational strength. (Kind of like the principle that you have to crawl before you walk.) It’s a nice safe place to work your core, coordination, posture, and stability. That said, it has benefits of its own that the other activities miss. We still get glutes firing with bird dogs, for sure. However, erector spinae (the muscles around your spine that extend it) and rectus abdominis (your “abs”, as you may know them) light up too. It’s also awesome for anyone getting over a shoulder injury and starting to try and work weight acceptance onto that limb.

And that’s the end of our Cyrus strengthening routine…

(A lovely looking end, at that!)

So go take this bouquet of sweet moves to the gym today!

We guarantee you won’t smell like “flowers” by the end….

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