Weight Loss With Miley Cyrus (Part 1)

February 19, 2023 Ashley 0 Comments

Celebs are always getting asked what they do to stay fit.

But, ever ahead of the curve (with some awesome curves of her own) is Miley Cyrus.

She didn’t just tell us – she straight up showed us her workout routine in her “Flowers” video.

(Don’t ask me why these video stills are more pixelated than a 1st edition Mario Bros game…)

While everyone is recycling her song to add to their latest breakup reel, we’re recycling her workout.

And it’s actually pretty tough. Sure, it’s peppered by sexy dancing and the failure to put her hair in a ponytail is slightly distracting. However, these moves are brutal. Let’s break them down – starting with the one above. First come the battle ropes. These are a fan favorite because, even though they seem like they’d just work the arms, they do so much more. In fact, they’re a whole body workout. In addition to arms and shoulders, these strings of death also rock your abdominals into rock hard shape, while working your lower extremities (which have to stabilize to keep you in place as you’re constantly throwing yourself off). There’s also variety built into a battle rope workout – depending on which direction and angle you swing them.

Next come the the bear crawl pushups.

I’m well familiar with these.

In fact, my evil jiu-jitsu instructor just loves to warm up (or warm us up, rather) with these (while he stands in the corner and laughs). So, kudos to Miley for doing them on her own. And maybe I should stop crying so much during jitz and add them to my home routine too – especially after looking up the overall benefits. These badboys combine two massive exercises that aid in strength while also leveling up flexibility. For the push up aspect of it, you’re working your delts, pecs, and back. Then, because of the bear crawl element, you’re also honing in on the muscles of the lower body. If you’re doing it correctly (which I emphasize because these’re so easy to get wrong), you’re also working those glutes, quads, hammies, and core. But that’s not all! Look closely, and you’ll see Cyrus attached to a resistance band. Bear crawl pushups are tough enough to do on their own. But add in that resistance and it’s a workout so challenging, it’ll have you wishing an actual bear was crawling on you instead.

Next is sexy bridges:

No one can hate on her for this bit.

(Step 1: do not break eye contact with person next to you while performing.)

It’s the female-in-Hollywood rule.

You’re not allowed to come off as a strong female unless you also overcompensate by oozing excessive sexuality. So, it’s not her fault. However, I will say two real-life beneficial things about this. The first? Bridges and hip thrusts are great for working out the your hip extensors. (AKA booty.) There are so many progressions you can add on as well (weight plates over the hips, switching to single leg bridges, etc.) The other benefit has to do with all that sacral shaking she’s got going on. Intuitive movement is so important. As a yoga teacher, I teach the poses as a baseline. But I always tell people that if it feels good to pedal your feet in downward dog, go for it. If it feels good to move your tail when you’re in child’s pose, go for it. And, like Miley, if the lower chakra spirit moves you mid bridge, go for it, girl. Our workouts are (or at least should be) the human equivalent to when dogs shake their fur to release an emotional response. (You’ll see kids do it too when they act all crazy.) As adults, we need that too. So many of us are all so stiff and restricted and stymied in our professional lives, holding back how we really feel in favor of what’s “acceptable”. Don’t let those same stupid social rules follow you into the one place and time you get to let it all go.

Can’t get enough of Miley’s workout routine?

Us either – keep reading to see three more of her workout moves!

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