Weight Loss With Matcha: Tea Or Powder? (Pt. 1)

June 6, 2023 Ashley 0 Comments

Recently I reviewed a tea to help you sleep

But now it’s time for one that helps you wake up while you lose weight:


For a brief while, many many moons ago, I switched from coffee to green tea. (Now I live a more “porque no los dos” kindofa life, but that’s neither here nor there…) But, upon my discovery of this green goodness, I ended up going (like most addicts do) from the mild stuff to the hardcore powder called matcha. This emerald goddess unlocked all levels of clarity and awareness for me. Unlike java, with its jittery high, this buzz was unmatched. It felt clean. Clear. Smooth. No marked comedown. None of that feeling as if my mouth couldn’t keep up with the speed of my brain, therein completely debilitating my command of the English language.

Coffee always has felt like a tradeoff.

Yes, it wakes me up. But it comes with the cost of feeling like I’m outside of my body, watching myself act like a crackhead, while totally incapable of rectifying or controlling it in any way. Matcha, on the contrary, helps you reach that place where you say and do all those things in the moment that you normally would wake up later that night regretting having lacked the capacity to do earlier. It’s all more in synch. Brain, body, and mouth words – all co-collaborating on a live Zoom call to get the job done. We love it. And, yes, it does aid in weight loss. (But more on that when we get to part 2.)

And the first thing I get asked is – can I just take it in tea bag form?

The problem with the tea bag (and I’ve tried it – just because it was bought for me and I figured I’d review it…) is that it just doesn’t work as well. It’s not as strong – even after prolonged steeping. Perhaps, if it’s your first day trying anything remotely caffeinated ever, you might find it aid in waking you up. That said, you’re all here for weight loss, not wakeups, so I will say this: it’s still matcha. And because matcha has higher EGCG than typical green tea does, the metabolic and thermogenic gains are greater for you. This, ultimately translates to more weight loss. If you’re looking for a pick me up and a drop-my-pounds I would say try this one out for wakeful weight loss if you’re not an avid caffeine drinker. I suggest that because A.) it’s cheaper than the powder, B.) it’s tidier (powder inevitably gets everywhere), and C.) I don’t have a third thing to say, but it seemed to tie my point together nicely having a trio of tips, so I’ll instead lead you to review number next which is my experience with the actual powder.

Click here to read why the powder reigns supreme…

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