Try this delicious salad hack to lose weight and feel full

November 24, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

“It’s delicious, but it’s just not filling.”

“Something’s just…missing.”

Ever feel this way after trying to be healthy and order a salad while dining out?

I mean, here everyone else is enjoying their creamy fettuccine dishes or other assorted forms of marinated reverie. And then there’s you. You with your miserable pile of iceberg leaves – all scattered haphazardly on a plate that almost seems reluctant to be holding it. Sure the smattering of tomatoes is lovely. And, obviously the avocado slices are nice. Even the dried cranberries are lovely touch. So are those mystery peppers. But, again, it’s just not filling. Two or five plates of it wouldn’t be filling. Thus, you wonder if you’re truly still hungry – or simply suffering food envy of your table mates.

Sound familiar?

It does to me too. Or at least it sounds like something I used to go through before I learned the ultimate salad hack. And what exactly is that, you ask? It’s easy. You never order just a salad. Never. You see, I order salads almost every time I go out now. And I never leave hungry. Do you wanna know why? (Aside from the fact that I always order extra avocados on everything?) It’s because I always treat my salad like a car that requires after factory add-ons. In other words, I always order sides. Always. I don’t care if it’s the measly Taco Bell salad for the amazing vegan cob from The Cheesecake Factory. I always make sure to have a plate of beans and grains bordering my jade covered plate.

(Or, if I’m home, I’ll just combine ’em all ’til they’re an interracial palate orgy like the mixture above.)

Why? Because, when it comes to feeling full, your nibbling neighbors’ delectable plates have got nada to do with it. You’re not green with envy; your greens just need supplementation. Sure, you’ve got the healthy veggies you definitely need. But you know what else you need? Macro balance. And that’s what a bowl’ve beans and and brown rice bring to the table (pun totally intended). Between the high fiber in the rice and the fiber and protein you get in the beans (or lentils… or tofu… or whatever they offer), something magical happens. Because you’re getting all your fat, carb, and protein needs met, your body isn’t hungry ’cause’ve some nutrient deficiency. All of your mineral requirements are met. What’s more, the high fiber makes for both a full feeling stat, and a slow blood sugar release later (when you’d usually start to get ravenous again). Plus, those protein packed pellets you’re ingesting do an epic job of making you feel gastronomically satisfied. In essence, you’re getting your necessary green needs while also getting a sufficient serving of the stuff that’ll curb your cravings for more both now and later. The result? Well, for me, it’s meant enjoying profuse portions of food while simultaneously enjoying a slim physique I never hafta worry about putting on a dumb diet.

In sum, my friends:

If you feel your road to weight loss is paved with hunger pangs, don’t slash your salad’s tires just yet.

Be the Xzibit of your own meal- and simply pimp out that plate ride with some sides.

#fiber#protein#salad#weight loss foods#weight loss meals

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