Taste Buddy: can this current infused cutlery cut your calories?

October 23, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

You may have heard about how your plates (or their sizes, at least) can help you lose weight.

But, soon, the spoon from which you munch just might as well.

Unlike the mind-ninja optical illusion of the plates, however, the spoon in question is actually a technological advancement scientists are trying to add to your kitchen. That’s right. It’s called “Taste Buddy” and it actually hacks your taste muscle into believing it’s eating something completely different. How? Through this tricky electrical current that makes your tongue’s buds interpret the flavor info differently. In other words, sweet stuff can taste salty, vice versa, and you can even simply up the sugar-perception on that low cal diet confection. Chocolate flavored broccoli? No problem. Strawberry catfish? Sure.

(Even though the current model looks kinda like the lovechild of a breathalyzer and an old school camera.)

The possibilities are endless.

And the possibilities for ending a plethora of diseases may be as well.

Because, with the next level taste bud sorcery it performs, Taste Buddy could potentially save heaps of diabetes and obesity ridden people from themselves. Example? Consider the innumerable table sugar junkies unable to kick their habit. They refuse to relinquish refined sugar infused sodas, juices, and miscellaneous treats. And, inevitably, they sadly end up having to shoot insulin into their limbs for the rest’ve their lives while witnessing the digits on the bathroom scale skyrocket. It’s no way to live. But, once they’re good and hooked on the bad stuff, it’s difficult to quit. The tongue jumpstart this new spoon imparts, however, could just be what they need to cease guzzling all that white stuff and jettison centimeters from their midsection.

Also, it’ll be great for the kids you’re about four seconds from force feeding green beens like foie gras birds.

(Though, we may not have this problem in the first place if we didn’t give our kids so many appetite spoiling snacks.)

Because, reportedly, the asparagus they abhor can be tweaked to something savory – so it tastes like a dessert.

But don’t get too psyched about this superspoon just yet. ’cause, unfortunately, this thing’s not yet on the market. Actually, it was only just demo’d across the pond recently – at England’s Big Bang U.K. Young Scientists and Engineers Fair. The aim of the technology? To fit right in along with everything else in our kitchen that we use to scoop or funnel sustenance into our face holes. Forks. Cups. Mugs. You name it. In fact, while the prototype’s still in the works, the creators of the concept are already contemplating plan number next: an entire line of microchip-like Bluetooth-type devices that’ll let you pick whatever level or genre of deliciousness you desire. Personally, I’d like a straw that can flavor all my soy milk chocolate and a mug that makes plain tea taste like a latte.

(But, if we’re being honest, what I’m really holding out for is the generation of entertaining robot sporks that make me forget my cravings altogether)

Electric cutlery that cuts my calories? Flatware that makes my tummy flatter?

Now that’s something to get amped about.

#spoon#taste buddy#weight loss technology

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