Tag - weight loss exercise

June 27, 2017

Why lower body workouts boost your mood and weight loss

“And now, breathe into your lower chakras…” Hearing this for the first time (in some qi-gong-yoga class I overpaid to be in), I wasn’t sure what to think. It was...

April 15, 2017

4 tips to inspire the too tired for a night workout (Part 2)

Still having issues getting into your evening sweat sesh? Riding that struggle bus over a rocky road made of fail? (“What? I’m compromising with my weight loss path and what...

January 27, 2017

Can you booty sculpt a tighter tush on the treadmill?

Too busy for both booty lifting and your (very necessary) treadmill session? No worries, my friend. ’cause sculpting your sitter while sweating to the monotonous sound of your own kicks...