Tag - lists

December 19, 2016

6 substitutes for the overcrowded gym this January

So, you said you were planning to hit the gym the second the second of January arrives. But, admit it. You’re already doubting your own best laid plans. Why? Because...

August 19, 2016

Why these seven veggies help you shed pounds

When it comes to weight loss, we all know the produce protip: Eat more veggies, and you’ll jettison those el-bees from the scale. But, if you’re gonna go out when...

November 12, 2015

6 quick tips to jumpstart your fit, new life.

So, you’ve finally opted to make the change. And while that inspiration is great, it won’t get any of us there alone. There are some crucial elements to a health...

October 23, 2015

Need a low-impact cardio workout? Try these 8…

When I heard runner’s need to “taper” before a big race, there was some confusion. Taper? As in… “run less”? Why not ask me to breathe through coffee stirring straws...

July 24, 2015

6 reasons some workouts rock harder than others

“How was your workout?” This question’s the single fastest way for my dad and I to connect. (And, aside from Starbucks, maybe the strongest common interest denominator we share.) Sure,...