So you’ve lost weight…and gained skin jiggle. What now?

December 7, 2015 Ashley 0 Comments

Anyone here remember that Brooke Birmingham chick?

If not, she was this lady who lost a shiz ton of weight – after which she was left draped in dermal flaps (as with most dramatic weight loss tales), and then indirectly body shamed by the magazine featuring her when they requested a fully clothed “after” snap. Now, that last bit wouldn’t be a big deal – except for the fact that all the other features (whose skin retracted aesthetically back into place) had photos of them stripped down to their skivvies. It was clear. The magazine just didn’t want Brooke’s abdominal apron advertised on their pages. They wanted to hide reality. While they tried to sugarcoat their rationale with poorly crafted lies and excuses, the contacts handling the photo options might as well’ve just said “This is Shape not shar pei” by singling her out with midriff covers. Ultimately, she finally about-faced and turned down being part of the article. And, you know, I remember seeing this story – as well as recalling a few others like it – and thinking about how they really could’ve taken Brooke’s journey in a unique direction instead of trying to hide the sometimes unsightly truth about how a fitness path legitimately plays out. Instead of hiding Miss B’s battle scars under a tee shirt like some portly seventh grade boy at the pool endowed with a rack surpassing his female classmates’, they should’ve proudly promo’d the pic. And they should’ve put it parallel to a piece on how to shrink down excess skin after a dramatic weight loss.

Because – when you’ve worked this hard to lose so much weight – why stop now?

Granted, sometimes the excess you’re left with might be too much to manage through simple DIY techniques. In these cases, sometimes a surgeon is summoned to snip off your unwanted remnants. However, there’s a lot you can do on your own before initiating a flesh filleting fiesta of any kind. But the first thing to know is your goal: to get that elasticity back.

And, in order to do that, you’ve gotta keep two things in mind – that it’s both an inside and outside job.

For example, on the “inside”, you’re going to need to maintain all the usual suspects: diet, hydration, and muscle mass work. Let’s start with some good foods for supple skin. The do’s? High protein foods promote collagen, while red bell peppers, kiwi, vitamin c, and zinc are also dermal beautifiers. And, finally, water’s the topper to this cutaneous Christmas tree. As for the naughty list? All junk food goes on that snack scroll. I find this one’s not so hard to identify as it is hard to shake people out of denial as to what counts as “junk”. We can talk about cheat days or food rewards all we want. But the fact of the matter is that processed, pre-packaged, high sodium and sugar infused stuff that’s like taste bud crack keeps you coming back – unlike your skin which will stay hanging like a turkey wattle for even longer. The truth is, nutrient-less food makes regaining elasticity far harder.

And, on the body pumping front?

Well, during that time when there was a bit more of you, there was likely less muscle mass. Now begins your quest to get it back. And why’s that important? Because subcutaneous (that means “under the skin”) fat might be adding to your troubles when it comes to the dermal dangle you’re suffering. Lifting weights even just a few times a week can seriously alleviate this.

(If you want your skin to lift, then *you* have to.)

And, as for the outside?

Yes, what’s on the outside can sometimes count. Starting with what you expose your skin to. It can be tough, wandering into the skincare section, and trying to make a decision. Many an hour has been lost to decision fatigue for me in CVS’s ablution aisle alone. So, what’s the best for flesh flexibility? Exfoliants, for one, help strip dead skin and augment circulation. Meanwhile, sulfates dry it up and make it less stretchy. (Avoid.) Instead, get a milder soap and use a bit of almond oil for a nice hydrating, glow. And, (as I probably don’t need to tell you but will anyway just in case), excess time spent under a solar shower in your swimsuit will only add to that lack of elasticity. (No matter how badazz that tan looks now.)

Now, I dunno if any of this is even something Brooke would’ve been into.

I’m just using her story (which I’m sure she’s getting sick of hearing regurgitated online) as an example to make a point. She says she’s proud of her body (as well she should be). That said, I also feel that if she had her druthers, she’d’ve gotten the weight loss and the taut skin. It’s nice to remember that these two things are not mutually exclusive. It’d also be nice if beauty magazines remembered to remind their readers of that with the focus of their articles. So, let’s change that today. Know that after your hard earned weight loss goal’s been reached – you can applaud your efforts. And you can also reach for a new, cutaneous related one, if need be. (That’s why they call it a fitness path or practice – we’re constantly evolving.)

And, as you do that, you can keep in mind that it’s totally possible to love your body as it heals.

(Actually, the healing process itself can comprise little luxuries and acts of self love.
Like this relaxing looking Jersey Shore facial, for instance.)

So, remember: you can accept your body as it changes – as you continue transforming. In fact, research has effectively demonstrated how crucial the mind is in either allowing or barring such metamorphoses. Stress is detrimental to any kind of healing. By indulging thought loops about self-loathing, we are completely capable of setting off a whole host of inflammatory and stress responses in our bodies that make healing extremely difficult. But by maintaining a positive, confident focus on where you’re headed (versus how long it’s gonna take to get there or how unpleasant you feel in the body you have ATM), you can shave your waiting time significantly, expect your sexy results far faster, and feel content during the journey there.

#dramatic weight loss#loose skin#skin tightening

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