Smart sweets: candy gummies that won’t make you chubby

March 4, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

Ever wonder what the lovechild of gummy bears and warheads would taste like?

Probably like a war on your waistline, right? ’cause it’s candy?

Well, not anymore, my gummy lovers. Because, thanks to a brand called Smart Sweets, there now exists a sour gummy bear that’s comparatively… good for you. A snack that won’t stab your weight loss goals in the face anymore. I know, I know. Sounds to good to be true, right? We all know that the only place where copious candy and fit hot chicks can coexist peacefully is in a Katy Perry music video. So… hearing about a candy that’s anything less than detrimental to your derriere’s size? Yeah, I had trouble buying that too. But, buckle up that seatbelt that’ll never need an extender, because you’re in for the informational ride of your inner fat kid’s life. Why? Well, let’s begin with the fact that these chewy animal snacks are made’ve stuff like chicory, tapioca, and coconut oil. And, how do they manage to make it palatable? With an au natural sweetener that’s grown on me over the past few years until I could no longer take my tea without it: stevia.

(Unfortunately, for any fellow vegans, there is a gelatin component in these. So we’ll hafta sit this one out.)

And, aside from the natural ingredients about which you can feel beyond awesome, there’s yet another reason to feel epic when you sneak a bag’ve these into the matinee of Fast and the Furious Part Eleventy-hundred-and-two. Because of said stevia, the whole bag’s got a whopping 2 grams of sugar in it. (Not bad compared to other candies.) This’s great ’cause refined sugar does abhorrent things to your waistline, weigh ins, and overall energy levels. Also, if you’re GMO wary, you needn’t worry. There’s reportedly none’ve that stuff in these munchies. Then, finally, is the fiber factor. You can easily meet your fibery needs with these. And, seeing as fiber’s likely the most underrated weight loss tool there is out there, that’s fantastic for your fitness path. (That, combined with following a mostly plant based, non-processed diet in general.) That said, just don’t make the mistake of thinking that, just ’cause they’re healthy, that you can sit down and down a whole bag of these badboys. And I don’t just mean cuzza the calories. I’m referring exactly to that aforementioned fiber factor. In fact, the testers themselves found out that lesson the rough way.

Or should I say roughage way?

(That light’s been on for hours ’cause some gummy glutton’s putting the “bear” in “bear down” ATM)

So, my candy-philes, don’t dismiss your next need for a bittersweet fix.

Just shove some’ve these fitness friendly gummies in your tummy.

#candy#gummy bears#smart sweets#weight loss foods#weight loss snacks

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