November 16, 2014

Two-a-days: coping through cardio

“You’re working out twice a day?” When I get this question, it’s generally accompanied by the same shade-throw look people get when they see their token fat friend for the...

November 10, 2014

Are colonics worthless?

I once read a book on Marilyn Monroe that had all these interesting little tidbits. Like how she ate in bed and passed out among her plates and crumbs. Or...

October 20, 2014

Said no doctor ever.

I need to go back to the doctor. I’ve got this annoying blah-blah-blah (insert condition you don’t wanna hear about). But every time before I go in there, I feel...

October 18, 2014

So, poop pills are now a thing…

Not too long ago, I wrote about how healthy people’s poop could help unhealthy people. That was based off this article in “Scientific American” that explained about how the bacteria...

October 16, 2014


So, I saw this message posted up in my Facebook newsfeed today: “When vandals spray painted the words ‘Ebola Quarantine Zone’ on a community entrance sign – residents took matters...

October 16, 2014

Nurse furtively murdering patients was always “eager to work”.

They say hospitals are the worst places to get any rest in. Unless, ya know, you piss off a psycho nurse. Then they’re the perfect place to “rest in”. Rest...

October 12, 2014


Despite having written on this topic, I was reminded of something recently. And, thanks to House of Cards, that reminder is that you catch more flies with honey than strychnine....

October 2, 2014

Change your posture to change your shitty reality.

“Expand into it!” I heard this advice from a friend recently. Although it might sound like he was giving out tips on gluttonous dietary habits, he was actually offering advice...

October 2, 2014


*Update edits: Identity of patient released; potential case reported in Hawaii News like these perpetual ebola scares hit us repeatedly. And while some frightening news stories stop being taken seriously...

September 24, 2014

Look what science did: can blood measure depression?

Are you legitimately suicidally depressed? Or just misdiagnosed? Or just being stupid? Well thanks to science, you may not hafta wonder anymore! Having undergone one of these “let’s go down...

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