Is this the missing vitamin from your weight loss plan?

February 5, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

Ah, that got your attention.

A pill that can answer all of your weight loss plateau woes. Right? Well, let’s start with the hard facts first: like anything else, you’re only gonna get that body karate if you’re willing to put in the work. A healthy diet. Regular exercise. Lots of water. Being kind to your fellow earthlings (optional, but suggested). That said, while I’m not one to market pill poppery as the panacea for slimming down in a sustainable way, I can’t deny the fat extracting science behind one vitamin in particular. One I myself started taking not long ago and found beneficial enough to keep filling up on…

(Vitamin D, that is.)

See, unlike the snake oil supplements you might see out there, Vitamin D is essential for a lot more than just whittling down your waistline. We need it to function properly. If you’re not getting enough of the stuff, it can effect a litany of other body processes – not just the side effect of extra trunk-junk. In fact, folk whose body automobiles are running low on their D-iesel fuel tend to get depression, fatigue, early dementia, MS, fibro, and a ton’a other fun stuff you wouldn’t wish even on the barista who made your latte wrong this morning. Which is unfortunate ’cause it’s tough to get enough of it from food. Sure, you can catch a good dose of it (along with melanoma) via some solar worshipping.

But unless you dine regularly on fatty fish, beef liver, egg yolks, or cheese, you likely aren’t getting enough. Granted, if you’re a vegan like myself, mushrooms can provide a good serving of the stuff. But let’s say you hate all of those foods (or just don’t want to eat all the fatty options – because, duh, that’s what you’re trying to lose in the first place). Then, yes, supplements can be a nice yes-and to your dietary endeavors.

Because when it comes to Vitamin D, research has shown it can aid greatly in eradicating those el beez.

In fact, per a study done at the University of Minnesota, subjects on a weight loss program (that’s the key there, let’s remember) with higher D levels lost more than those poor unfortunate souls with comparatively minimal amounts of the nutrient. A whole extra half pound per one measley nanogram per mL? Around the tummy, no less, the tubbiest bit of body people complain about having? If the correlation alone isn’t enough, the fact that people who started out with higher D levels lost more than the other guys certainly was. Which made me wonder… what scientific sorcery was behind this? What it basically boils down to is this hunger hormone we have called leptin. See, even further research efforts indicated that vitamin D might actually escalate the effectiveness of leptin. And why’s that good? Well, what leptin does is tell the organ living in your head that you’re good and satiated and there’s no immediate need to nibble. It signals that you’re full. Which means you’re not hungry. Which means you won’t keep eating. And since what you do eat when you are hungry may not hold enough, some pros advise that a vitamin D3 supplement might be the missing nutritive jigsaw piece in your journey to whole body health. Taking one daily might smite some of symptoms you’ve been inexplicably suffering from – while melting off your body lard.

In sum:

No, a dose of D alone won’t deflate your fanny overnight.

But what it’ll likely do is augment the process if you’re jogging and not junk fooding in between.

#hormones#leptin#supplements#vitamin d

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