Is this Italian weight loss method what’s missing from your life?

February 4, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

Still having trouble getting your suggested daily steps in?

Don’t have time for fun walk-tivities?

(“Walk? Ain’t nobody got time f’dat,” she said – and then continued to wait eight more minutes for the elevator…)

Mhmmm. Heard that. But, as someone once told me, excuses are for losers. (And I’m pretty sure they didn’t mean losers of weight). The good news? That – if you’re finding yourself unable to get that step number up enough to undo your meatball body shape – the meatball and spaghetti loving Italians just might have a hack for you. How’s that? By eating more noodles doused in rouge sauce? Sadly, not. But what they do have is this fabulous practice called “passeggiata”. And, while it sounds kinda like an amazing carb infused delicious dish, it’s actually a perfectly timed, postmeal toddle that they take tri-daily. It’s simple, really. You take a fifeen minute jaunt after each eating sesh. Boom: 45 minutes of walking accomplished a day.

And, indeed, it is said to be at least as effective as just taking a straight 45 minute power walk at whatever o’ clock (versus reserving it for after grubbing). Maybe more so. Why? Well, getting in some sunshine during the early hours definitely helps your melatonin and mood levels (which means less stress by day and better rest by night.) And, if you manage to have your dinner early enough to get a li’l bit more of the dimming sunshine before it sets, that’ll really elevate those sleep time hormones. (Important, seeing as sleep deprivation makes for poor eating and overall fitness choices.) Also, since it’s directly after dinner, digestion is improved. (Things move along better when we’re not totally immobile.) What’s more, the insulin surge you usually experience after eating is diminished – while your metabolism is stimulated.

Now, this may be tough.

Especially if you usually watch Big Bang reruns post-dinner, or drool onto your iphone during lunch.

If that’s the case, maybe set an alarm to remind you it’s stride time.

(Try fancying yourself akin to that digital Italian we all know ‘n love, to execute your Italian practice.
Your food’s the level-up star that’ll fuel your fifteen minute footstep sesh)

And all the while, it doesn’t even feel like you’re working out.

But you kind’ve are. And how do I figure that? Well, per a recent study done on this Italian regimen, blood sugar was regulated exceptionally for up to an entire day after the practice of three quarter hour postmeal jaunts. And we all know that better blood sugar leads to optimal weight loss. What’s more – the extra oxygen and endorphins multiple walks impart, helps to lower stress levels. And that’s yet another epic fitness facet to passeggiata. Why? ’cause stress increases cortisol, which contributes to weight gain. So anything we can do to counteract cortisol, will cut the blubber big time. So, instead’ve doing the post meal technology dumb-down, level-up, Mario style.

Make like the boot shaped nation and give your weight the boot…

…by doing what the (also Italian) Nancy Sinatra always said boots were made for doing.

#italian weight loss#passeggiata#walking#weight loss

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