Is “30 in 30” a diet worth trying?

December 3, 2015 Ashley 0 Comments

It seems kinda extreme.

This whole idea of eating “30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up”.

However, that’s likely the whole idea for whoever’s trying to profit off the concept (like Tim Ferris, author of “The 4 Hour Body”, for example). There’s likely less of a time limit in application. I’m pretty sure that if you get up, do your yoga practice, slather on your Sephora mask, walk your sloth paced arthritic shih-tzu, and don’t make it to your kitchen till 31 minutes past waking, you’ll still be in the clear. But the idea’s essentially this: you eat 30 grams of protein for your first meal of the day, and you’ll lose weight.


Because protein, it’s said, has a special effect on hunger and appetite. As foods high in protein take their time to depart your tummy, you feel fuller for a bit longer than you would with some other foods. (Note I say some, not all.) The other aspect to this is that protein steadies your blood-sugar’s oscillations out enough to preclude you annihilating the fridge with your face, following a sudden glucoser-coaster dip. Also, another argument is that you’ll burn off more calories by ingesting protein because your body requires more energy to digest the stuff than it needs for fat or carbs.

Alright, but just how much is 30 grams of protein? What I need are some real world examples.

And here they are:

• 5 whole, large eggs gives you 30g
• Generally, about 150g of sausage will give you 30g protein
• Tim also discusses using cottage cheese, and a cup gets you close to 30g protein
• 3-4 oz of tuna is around 30g protein
• 1.5 c of lentils is 30g protein

(Also, you can try one of those shake things. If you like sipping liquid clay through a straw.)

Well, that seems easy enough.

So what’s my personal stance on this notthatyouasked?

Well, I’m willing to try new things if I think they’ll be healthy, fill a deficit, or be fun.

This’s’nt one of those things.

See, the thing is, I’ve already found another keep-me-full-while-losing weight answer. One that’s been working great for a couple’ve years now. I’m doing better than fine without tweaking my current eating habits ‘cause I like to look at it from a holistic approach. I’m not just interested in losing weight. I’ve lost all I need to lose thanks to a plant based diet and lotsa cardio. So, what I look for each day is something that’s gonna fuel my workouts and keep my body levels in a stable state. I’ve found that. And, for me, that means a super fruity breakfast. “But the carbs and sugar, thoooo,” you might be saying. (If you’re either fifteen or think you are.) And I’ll acknowledge that by reassuring you that it’s fine because I pair it with fiber infused flax seeds and some later on A.M. cardio for about 20 to 30 minutes. The plus to this is that while the flax keeps me from getting hungry later (much like the protein’s meant to do – which is why I previously said some foods – not all – may leave you feeling hungry), I have that extra boost of fructose-y oomph for my morning jog an hour or two later. That way, I can avoid animal products. And tasteless protein shakes. And kidney stones (which high protein diets give me). And committing olfactory homicide on my poor coworkers via lentil fumes.

In the end, I’ll say the same I always do:

If you’re struggling with weight loss and haven’t found the answer yet, maybe give this a try.

But if you’re like me – still interested in fitness, but doing fine where diet’s concerned, why bother?

Ah, my kinda clock.

He may hate 18th century Euro culture, but at least his face isn’t holding me to some silly 30 minute rule.

#30 in 30#breakfast#diet#protein

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