How your skimpy halloween costume could help you lose weight

October 30, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

So, you already did the work to lose weight for a costume that could fit in your contact lens case.

And now… you’re getting hassled for dressing like a hussy on Halloween?

Well, don’t let yourself be tramp bashed, honey.

’cause, there could be a massive weight loss related upside to that sheer gear you’re rocking.

Especially if it happens to be shiveringly chilly this coming Monday night.

See, according to science, one great way to lose weight isn’t just to burn it all up in the gym, rocking a full body sweatsuit like an MMA fighter cutting weight for a fight. On the contrary. Another fabulous avenue for fat burning’s to just chuck your blubber by freezing it off. Or, more specifically, by you feeling frosty enough to start involuntarily shivering.

Now, technically, as you’re standing there, dressed as the Joker’s bae, waiting for your clown in shining crocodile hide to show up and scoop you into his helicopter (that’s a film reference, for all who’re lost), you’re actually not literally freezing off the fat. I mean, sure, you’re cold. But there is indeed a burn unfurling inside your muscles. It’s just that your body’s taking over and doing the work for you. Now, this isn’t because your body’s built to make you look sexy, mind you. It’s because it assumes there’s a weather related threat happening and that you’re in grave danger of getting dead. Thus, it sparks up your somatic furnace to keep you warm. But SFgate ‘xplains it a little bit better:

“Being shivering cold definitely burns more calories than being just a little cold. Shivering can burn around 100 calories in 15 minutes. The muscles secrete a hormone called irisin that stimulates heat production from white and brown fat cells stored in the body. Thus, when you shiver, not only do your muscles burn calories, using glycogen stores, but also your fat stores burn calories”

So, there you go. As you’re standing in line for a quarter of an hour at the latest, hottest club on the coldest night, you don’t have to be too terribly bitter about the chill. ’cause you can at least know that for every minute of debauchery you’re losing out on inside, you’re also losing calories on the inside of your body.

“I wonder if I’ll look even skinnier by the time I cross the velvet rope?”

As for me?

Sure, standing around in next to nada on a chilly autumn night means you get to be lazy and do nothing to burn a few extra calories. But I don’t think I myself would be relying on self-freezery as a chronic option when it comes to weight loss. I’d rather turn this into a yes-and all winter. Why? ’cause I want a Harley level body long after Halloween’s come ‘n gone. Not to wax all GOT, but winter’s coming. (In other news, snow is cold. And Jon Snow is hot.) That’s inevitable. But, you know how that’s when most people put on weight? By taking this li’l fitness tidbit and combining it to your regular cardio repertoire, you could actually be losing more weight in the winter. How?

By doing your cardio in the cold weather.

For the past two freezing seasons, I’ve managed to lose more weight during winter by simply throwing on my running duds every morning, freezing all the way in my car to my running trail, and then burning off even more when I run after arriving there. Shivering calorie quota met en route. Further burn earned on the trail. Total caloric tally? A burn two-fer. And the nice thing about doing that first thing in the morning? Well, first, you have less time to argue with your brain about it when you just do it, Nike slogan style, first thing upon waking. And, also, the cold bothers you a lot less for the rest of the day after you’ve already hit it head on. (Yes, you can run from the cold – if you run long enough to work up a sweat.) And, in my humble opinion, that’s far better than standing around passively and getting ravaged savagely by Jack Frost.

(Plus, you can bet your shiny spandex covered bum that hottie bodies of the Robbie variety don’t just freeze their way there.)

So, after the skimpy celebration and freaky festivities’ve passed, inject this recipe for sexy into your routine.

And I promise won’t be sorry, puddin’.

#fall weight loss#halloween#shivering#winter weight loss

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