How to prevent the dreaded weight gain as you age

March 26, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

Ever heard that when you’re over the hill, things go down hill?

Your skin? Your energy? Your weight… (which actually goes uphill)?

(“Why, no. This is news to me. ’cause I been taking *care* of my schmexy octogenarian arse.”)

Homegirl up above’s got it right. You may not be able to avert the dermal crinkling or less than stellar musculature. However, pretty much all’ve these issues can at least be mitigated all the way to the grave by initiating a clean, plant based diet (check these slender, radiant, youthful looking elderly vegans who you’d think were in their 30’s). But even if veganism’s not your thing, then at least avoiding the dreaded weight gain is attainable. All you’ve gotta do is add in a few necessary daily alterations. But first, it helps to know what you’re doing wrong in the first place.

So, let’s start with kids ‘n overall busy-ness.

Whether it’s the little ones or your upstart company keeping you prisoner from the gym doesn’t matter. Busy is busy. That’s why you shouldn’t take it from child-free people like me, but ones like my BeachBody mom friend, Jamie. (This chick fits in quick workouts, incorporating her tot in the mix, even sometimes.) Or the dude who started the MindValley Academy (who maximizes his perspiration efforts and fat blasting by doing brief HIIT routines that rev his metabolism for the rest’ve the day.) Did you know you can burn up to 400 calories in under ten minutes just by going B to the W on burpees, squats, jumping jacks, and a bunch’ve other moves that cost nada dollars or equipment to do? Find the smallest section of time betwixt the to-do’s on your list and HIIT that shiz. It won’t be a waste of time and your waistline’ll thank you.

(Don’t have ten minutes? Well, while ten’s better than seven or five, you know what seven or five’s better than? Zero.
Can’t do one move ’cause of an injury? Sub in something appropriate…)

It’ll also thank you when you get more sleep.

Ah, yes. Easy for me to say. I don’t have micro-humans to tuck in or tend to or cradle. Yes, it’s suggested we make an effort to log seven of sleeping like a log. But when it’s more like four, that’s when the insatiable craving gargoyle growls in your tummy organ, demanding the most awful, processed, sugary, savory, fatty snacks. The fixes for this? Well, first, carry on with trying to power down earlier. And if you can’t? Attempt a brief morning or midday meditation practice. (Even five minutes is beneficial to lower cortisol levels that cause weight gain.) And then, for your back up plan, bring in the preventative reinforcements: healthy shopping. Whether you’re trolling Whole Foods or Aldi, just make sure the quality of your present edible purchases will ensure you gobble-block your sleep deprived gastro monster later. (Ah, ah, ah… Drop those chocolate covered whatevers. And not into your shopping cart.) It may not keep you from ordering Papa John’s when you feel deflated after a long day. But it will keep you from reaching for Reese’s after, adding insult to injury.

And, speaking of injury (or preventing it, rather), make sure you’re working those muscles. Why? Well, the older we get, we tend to lose muscle. (Cue collective, sardonic, monotone response of, “Thaaaanks, hormones”.) And that matters because muscle helps our metabolic engine go full on Ferrari mode. So, losing it’s doubly bad – not just ’cause it looks flabby or we stand to injure ourselves more easily – but also on a weight loss level. Because, if you’re ingesting the same amount’ve calories, but eradicating fewer of ’em (thanks to your strength tissues bidding you adieu), guess what happens? The opposite of weight loss. (*Insert slanty mouthed bummer emoji*) And what’s your bodily response? A two-fold adipose antidote: First, you eat more protein (like tempeh, seitan, soy milk, tofu, nuts, any beans, especially edamame, edamame, edamame, can you tell I love edamame…). Why? ’cause protein aids in retaining muscle.

And in between that, a great way to keep those metabolic muscle fires burning as our chronological wick does – is strengthening. Hate it though I do, muscle pumping’s become a best friend to me, both on a present and preventative level. Right now, it keeps my body strong and aids me in avoiding an injury (which I’d pro’lly bounce back from pretty easily). Butt later-me will thank now-me, too. Because, the more you work your muscles, the more it’ll take to waste away later. That means no broken hips, limbs, or limping around at fifty. Aaaand, it also means I might stand a chance of looking like superstar Gwen Stefani, a 46 year old vegan (which sounds like a romcom title, now that I read it back).

(This is how 46 can look if you’re doing life right…)

So, join me, my fellow not-20someth-any-longers.

We don’t have to hear the half-assed compliments about “Well, you look great for your age”. We can get that genuine shock reaction. But it starts with now. As of last week, at age 32, I got two compliments in one day, confirming I’m on the right path. First? The “I should go into your line of work – you’re so slender!”. Three hours later? The look of legitimate surprise from a patient who’d assumed I was the same age as my 23 year old coworker. I don’t say that to brag. I say that because, ten years ago when I was on the SAD (Standard American Diet; appropriately abbreviated) and loathing life, that was when people thought I was thirty-plus. Which means that we all can undo some’ve those negative effects we thought were indelible. So, let’s build a boat of sexy, stress free, green eats, protein, pushups, and squats. And let’s sail that badboy straight into the sunset of our lives, while the geriatric haters try to block it with their shade.

’cause over-the-hill doesn’t need to mean any more weight or any less health.

#aging#weight gain#weight loss and aging

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