How did Margot Robbie get her Harley Quinn body?

July 26, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

So, this was gonna be an article on how Margot Robbie got that uh-mazing body for her Harley Quinn role.

But I just couldn’t do it, man.

I mean, I started to. Because, let’s face it, she’s got the physical side of it right. And her activity list to prep for this role was so hardcore and full of awesome, it puts Crossfitters to shame. She stays active anyway – doing strength training, running, ice hockey, surfing, outdoorsy things, and probably a ton’ve other boutique fitness classes to which only celebrity Scientologists and Illuminati members are permitted entry. Plus, she also keeps a trainer around (on set) to whip her butt into shape… while she’s filming. So that all gets a collective, gold star spangled, double thumbs up.

But maybe that’s the issue. The limitation of the “while she’s filming” bit of it. Because, while Margot’s got the right idea when it comes to the sweatier side of things, that can’t cancel out bad snack habits she admittedly has betwixt films. As she conceded in a recent interview, she swings from one end of the spectrum to the next – depending on whether or not she’s got a cinematic gig coming up that requires her to be thin. During her down time, it’s about junk food and zero effs.

(Not shaming, not a bad body, but also not what you might be used to seeing from her.)

“I don’t have a very good diet. I love beer, fries, burgers, but if I have to get in a bikini then I eat carrot sticks for three days. I’m one extreme or the other.”

Then, for pre-filming, it’s all about abstemious eating and summoning her trainer to exorcise exercise the winter bod away. Sound familiar? Like maybe what you (or I) do for a formal, holiday, or even just a hot date? Sure sounded familiar to me – and my formative lifestyle that was a fantastic fail. Most of us have done it. Laughed maniacally about it, even. But don’t get it as twisted as Margot’s character is. It doesn’t matter what kinda fishnets, spray painted pigtails,and tinseltown glaze you try to dress it up in; this is still nada more than glorified yo-yo dieting.

And what’s so bad about that?

Well, first there’s the obvious health problems of getting skinny fat (visceral, organ smothering fat), cardiac maladies that set yourself up for suffering, and an overall case of the early onset deadsies. Then, even on the weight loss side of things, this is a plan that’s unsustainable. It works zero point zero percent as a long term solution. See, when you cut your calories dramatically, your flesh puppet’s functions start stopping on you. Your body’s muscle tissue starts to break down. Why? To slow metabolism. And why would metabolism slow? Because it thinks you’re starving, and that’s its best defense for the end times it thinks is coming where no food’s available. (Because, to your body, that’s the only logical reason to be starving.) The sucky thing? By the cessation of your snack strike, you know what you’ve lost? Muscle, not fat. The bummer about that is that muscle’s what helps you burn fat. This double sucks – because once you finally try to eat normally again, you’ve got that muscle loss working against you and the fact that your metabolism that’s putt-putting along puts weight back on as even more fat instead’ve muscle. (Because it’s still under the impression famine’s happening.) Thus, fat becomes a doozy to try an lose ’cause you’ve screwed your metabolism over. This means that – while she looks cute on camera – Miss Robbie’s robbing her future body of the hotness it could have all the time with a more well-balanced diet.

(She might’s well be taking that bat to her metabolism.)

Because, while you, she, or I might be able to bounce back from this ritualistic, sadomasochistic, somatic punishment worthy of Arkham admittance for a bit, it can’t keep up forever. I’d say that pretty soon her winter body’s gonna be the best she can get. (No body shaming intended; it for sure ain’t bad – but it’s hardly Harley level.) But, she’s got two things going for her. First? The intense strength training which means she’s got more muscle that most yo-yo dieters. Also: lucky for her (or lucky for all her hard work earning her a A lister income), she’ll pro’lly be able to afford an adipose vacuum well into the geriatric era of her life. (I can’t. Can you?) But even if I could afford to eat crappy and jettison the evidence by external means, I wouldn’t choose that. Not because I’m superior, either. But because I’ve felt the amazing difference that having a clean, plant based lifestyle can make – versus sporadically bad dieting. When you stay active and eat food as green as the Joker’s hair, not only do you get to rock a Harley level body – but also you get a far, far saner brain. Processed, sugary, fatty diets don’t do that. In fact, they offer the opposite.

In sum, while Robbie’s got a badazz athletic plan, she’s a Quinn-tissential example of how not to diet. Sure, while she’s younger, she can drop and add weight with ease. But the problem with constant oscillations of weight extremes is that – while you feel like you’re fooling your body, one day… sexy don’t come back when you call it home for a dinner of carrot sticks and celery.

And, in the end, the “joke” is on you.

#celebrity fitness#harley quinn#margot robbie

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