Four au natch pound droppers (part 2).

November 30, 2015 Ashley 0 Comments

Last article, we reviewed a couple’ve natural weight loss supplements.

Because – while a balanced diet and fitness path is always the base upon which we should be operating – sometimes we fall off track. And our bodies aren’t always like the prodigal son’s pops about it; we aren’t necessarily welcomed back with open arms. I mean, we do alright for a little while. But then, suddenly, the scale doesn’t change. Our work scrubs still fit tight. We’ve hit a plateau. Now that we’ve seen just why sage leaf tea and alpha lipoic acid are great at kickstarting a reluctant metabolism, let’s add a couple more to the list:

Maitake extract

The second Oz mentioned maitake, I had a classic Pavlovian response.

(Holy sporulant reproduction, batman, that’s huge. And I kinda wanna motorboat it.)

As a mushroom lover, I can honestly say these things (also known as “hen of the woods”) are hands down the best fungal flavor I’ve ever laid tongue on. The fact that I have to settle for some concentrated version of it didn’t appeal nearly as much as buying it by the batch. The good news? I don’t have to. Just eating it is sufficient. However, if you’re not a shroom lover, the tasteless extract’s a nice sub to get the benefits sans the aftertaste. And what are we both getting – whether we sip or snack on the stuff? A couple’ve things:

“Animal studies have shown that including maitake in your routine diet can reduce weight gain, not only because of its high–fiber, low-calorie quality, but because maitake also helps boost metabolism rates. How? Thanks to the aforementioned, beta glucan, which maitake contains. Beta glucan is thought to be the source of maitake’s ability to help control blood sugar.”

And how?

By enhancing insulin sensitivity, lowering cardiovascular disease and diabetes risks, and promoting weight loss in general – but especially around the abdomen. A top complaint area I frequently hear about.


Finally, this is one I’d never heard about in any form. Totally new to me.

But after loading my Google gun with the question ammo “Uh… how can glucomannan deflate my arse?”, the resultant bullet reply was essentially this: fiber, blood sugar regulation, and cholecystokinin increasing. The fiber makes you feel full. The blood sugar regulation prevents pangs of hunger. And the cholecystokinin? Even though you maybe can’t pronounce it (took me a few times myself), it’s still pretty crucial in reducing cravings – seeing as it’s an important appetite controller. By upping its levels, we’re less likely to give into recreational snacking.

So, for those of us making our way to an ideal weight, these add-ins may prove helpful. (Note that I say “helpful” – versus “French fries’ kryptonite”.) No amount of spirit clearing tea or distilled fungus you chug can combat you turning your body into a biohazard lab with junk from the drive through. (Or processed provender from the grocery shelves. Or refined sugars in excess.) Rather, these natural supplements are meant to expedite a diet and fitness path you’re already working hard to change – but from which you’re not realizing results that parallel your efforts. So, let’s work on that first thing first – building a good food and fitness foundation. None’ve those amphetamine tablets you mistakenly may’ve taken a decade ago. Something sustainable. Regular cardio coupled with more plant based stuff than not. Fewer white starches or refined sugars and more fiber. More water. A long term lifestyle – versus the next cayenne cocktail trend Beyonce’s doing.

And then add in all that fantastic organic crap after.

And then be the beacon of hope for your fellow thirty somethings that it’s not too late after all.

#diet pills#dr. oz#natural#supplements

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