Crunch-climaxing might just be your new gym motivation…

September 12, 2015 Ashley 0 Comments

Some people work out in hopes of getting hot, and ultimately, getting sex.

Others get that destination within the journey itself. Right there in the gym. Totally solo, unbeknownst to us.


Enter…the coregasm.

“Come again?”

Yes. You heard that right. You see, coregasm is the alleged phenomena wherein one can achieve orgasm via the performance of miscellaneous abdominal exercises. Don’t believe it? I’m sure the sweaty spasmodic experiencers of it don’t care. In fact, at first, I didn’t believe it was possible myself. But when I really stop and analyze it from a backward position (#TWSS), I do kinda get how it could work – strong abs paired with a strong mind. For example, seeing as my hiatus from ab strengthening paralleled a sudden, mysterious challenge with attaining sweet release, it makes total sense. Also, science is here to confirm (come-firm? No? Mmkay) that fact:

First, we have to know why some women don’t have orgasms to know why some do. A lack of orgasms during intercourse with non-scientists is quite common – around 50% of women don’t have them that way. Most studies agree that orgasms correlate to the contraction strength of the pubbococcygeus, or PC muscle. Women who don’t have orgasms tend to have weak PC muscles.

Considering the fact that the pelvic tilt is one of the main things we teach in physical therapy to strengthen the core, it makes total sense. ‘cause if a weaker core makes for a more torturous journey toward nether nirvana, then it would obviously follow that a stronger core would at least help out the process. And if a strong core improves the quality of your intimacy twitch, then a super strong core might just be able to fly ya there solo. With some self-help.

Which is where, I believe, mindfulness steps in.

Why mindfulness? ‘cause it’s crucial for getting any’a your body parts you don’t use all day long to cooperate with you. I mean, I myself haven’t been fortunate enough to crunch climax (yet), but this yes-and about mindfulness definitely also makes sense in theory when I think about other body parts I hafta actively awaken Beatrix Kiddo style everyday (like my legs; ironic since I’m a runner). And, again, in the coregasm case, it makes sense if I think of it backward. As a chick, when I’m distracted during schmexy time, that alone can make my sexy quest that much more of an endless “O” Odyssey. (Though I’m led to believe some dudes go through this too.) If I’m not focused on the body part I’m trying to get a spasmodic reaction outta, there’s no mind body connectch. There’s a disconnect. My brain’s a runaway child and my damsel duct is his lonely abandoned wagon, going on a bit of momentum – but soon to stop moving altogether. And dry up. And ask you to leave so I can get on with my to-do list. Which now includes crunches.

“♪A kiss on the hmm-hmm might be quite continental… but getting shredded is a girl’s best friend…”

So, yes, being preoccupied alone can hamper dampness – much less traversing the fleshy finish line we’re all after. But, also, mindfulness is vital for any kind of body work that requires a bit of effort. Otherwise we wouldn’t need to go to therapy for a lazy limb that’s been immobile after taking a cast off it (and really try to will it into motion like some reluctant robot arm). Or need personal trainers to link our brains up with the right butt muscles during booty blasting. (F’real, my daily posterior penance of squats didn’t amount to shiz until I started doing some serious fanny focus. Now I almost have an arse I’d be willing to put in a bikini. Just in time for Fall.) The only question left to ask is – why wouldn’t all of this apply to the spasming clockwork piping through us as well? Actually, that’s not the only question left to ask. This is: what’ve we to lose by trying this, my loves? Even if we fail, at least we’ve put in our hotness achievement hours. And probably earned an endorphin boost. And put a few more awareness logs in our sacral fireplaces.

So, let’s all pack our bags and hit the gym for some hands free ab-sturbation.


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