Are Toxins Blocking Your Weight Loss (Part 2)

May 21, 2023 Ashley 0 Comments

So, by now, we know that food-borne toxins can live in our fat – and make us gain weight.

But how else can they affect our weight? Well, the other way these poisons make us “fat” isn’t just by adding themselves to our fat cells. Rather, it’s by simply interrupting our internal processes that keep us otherwise healthy and lean. Metabolism and hormone function are two major systems that typically get affected. When something interferes with the way in which you utilize caloric energy, you may gain weight. Likewise, when something adversely affects your insulin resistance, you can gain weight. And, finally, if something has a negative effect on your hunger and satiation hormones, making you hungry when you should feel full, you (probably already guessed it)… gain weight. So that’s the other way that sneaky toxins may lead to stubborn pounds that won’t go away.

Okay, so we clean up the diet – but what else?

Isn’t some damage control necessary? Well, it certainly wouldn’t hurt. While many experts will tell you detoxes aren’t necessary or helpful, they typically tell you that because the idea is to rely on your toxin processing organs. But (if you’ve been reading) in this case those are overloaded. They could probably use a hype man or two to help them out. And what do those look like? Probably some stuff you already have in your pantry. Curcumin, for example is one poison battling herb. Also helpful are garlic extract and dandelion root. You’ll actually see many of these loaded up into the tea bags at your local holistic grocer. These aren’t marketed as “detox” fixes; rather, they help protect against the inflammation and oxidative stress (to include cellular damage) the toxins originally caused. At the same time, some of the aforementioned herbs promote improved gallbladder and liver function.

Concerned you might secretly be a Trojan horse full of horrible chemicals and pesticides? Well, you might try looking for some of the signs and symptoms of being under chemical attack. Memory loss, fatigue, hair loss, brittle nails, halitosis, and nausea are all some symptoms. And, of course, weight gain is one of them. (But by now we already know that.) Once you look into all of these possible red flags, schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. There, you can consult about all possible causes of your weight gain (plus whatever other symptoms you’ve got from that list) and perhaps request a blood test to rule out toxin exposure. Weight gain or not, no one should have to live with symptoms like these.

If you’re suffering from any of the above issues, get into your doctor today for an exam.

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