Are Toxins Blocking Your Weight Loss (Part 1)

May 21, 2023 Ashley 0 Comments

“Let thy food be thy medicine.”

Some smart old wise dude said this once, many moons ago. (See: Hippocrates…) And it’s been a good guide for many moons thereafter. But what happens when “thy food” ends up being… poison? Okay, that might be a bit dramatic. However, there are indeed common toxins in our nosh that many of us don’t know about. And, for those of us who do know about it – many of us don’t know the following follow-up fact: that said toxins can make you fat. (Many of use don’t care about poison, but god forbid we put on a few pounds…) That’s right. Because of these unwanted stowaways, we end up gaining weight. Furthermore, that weight ends up becoming tougher to chuck than weight gained normally through quality of eating, overeating, and under-exercising.

And here’s why:

First, it depends on why the stuff’s making you gain weight. One fun fact I learned in my research is that some of the environmental evils end up getting stored in none other than your fat cells themselves. More fat cells equals more fat. And why’s that poison filled fat so hard to lose? Well, it has to do with the reason they ended up there in the first place. When your poison processing centers like your liver can’t filter that stuff out of your body (presumably because you’re consuming too much of it), your organs have to send it to a storage facility. The poison has to go somewhere. So, it gets stored in fat.

But, then it gets worse. Let’s say you set a goal. You make a resolution. You wake up early, start going to the gym, and you eat fewer calories. What happens then? Well, that fat might break down. That will happens. However, if you haven’t cleaned up your diet, it’ll go right back into your fat cells. Why? Because you’re still having to process the new poison coming in, meaning your organs are still outsourcing the job to your fat cells to handle the rest. What a waste. You work so hard to break down the poison-fat just long enough for it to look around, realize there’s no equipment to filter it out of your body, and go back into adipose hibernation. That or something worse happens – said toxins start to travel to other organs, including your brain, detrimentally affecting memory and cognition.

The answer?

Well, in part, the fix is to clean up your diet. Know what you’re nibbling. Is there BPA in the container it came in? Was the meat pumped with steroids or hormones? Was that veggie exposed to pesticides? Does the water have fluoride in it? Is the seafood free of lead and mercury? These are all important things to find out. On a whole food, toxin free diet, you can start to slowly rid your body of these invaders, because you can finally process and push them out because your organs are freed up to filter out the small amount of unwanted items you’re exposed to normally, on a daily basis. The other fix is to free yourself from non food related exposure to these types of items. Pesticides lurk in your garden materials, bug sprays, and household cleaning items. Even your laundry detergent (yes, that “fresh and clean” smell) has them. And, indeed, these environmental lurkers can sneak into your body and fat cells. So, it might require a bit of homework to figure out which ninjas are hiding in your items and making you sick and fat.

Keep reading to learn the other ways toxins in your food are making you gain weight.

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