Weight Loss Workout With DOMS? Or Rest Day?

May 17, 2023 Ashley 0 Comments

Trying to crush your weight loss workout… while getting crushed by DOMS?

Well, you’re in good company. While taking a rest day with takeaway food and sofa surfing may be what you wanted to hear, many an expert actually suggest you push through that gym sesh. (I know. Sorry.) As mentioned in our prior article, we learned the difference between feeling spicy muscles from lactate and hydrogen ion versus delayed onset muscle soreness. Then, we learned that doesn’t mean we have to rest on our haunches. Sure, we may not want to return to the same workout we did to get so sore. However, staying moving and fluid is super helpful. Yoga, mobility activity, swimming, walking, or even just light household chores all can be good active rests. Similarly, a strength training or cardio routine that deviates from using the muscle group you did last time can be fair game as well. Bottom line when it comes to post DOMS workouts? You want to keep the blood flowing. So do something – but perhaps with less intensity than yesterday.

And if you’re not willing to do much activity – why not get it passively? If you can afford it, massage is a great way to reduce inflammation, reduce pain from DOMS, and up your muscle recovery via increased blood flow. If you’ve got some extra cash to blow, maybe enlist a massage therapy session. (Although, if you’ve got a significant other who’ll do it for free, that might be a superior choice.) Neither an option? Massage guns, foam rollers, and trigger point balls can all serve as self massagers. And if you want to improve that circulation sans hands or massage, there are other options. Warm baths in epsom salt are super soothing as the magneisum seeps into your skin, helping the muscles to relax. Compression clothing can also help encourage the blood to pump harder, limiting edema and fatigue alike. Whatever way you increase your circulation, there are plenty of ways to DIY the DOMS away.

(And if you’ve got some money to burn on reducing the burn, devices like the PowerDot are said to help…)

Or you can wash it away – literally – with some good old fashioned water. Indeed, hydration is crucial regardless of what kind of workout you’re doing. However, when we’re upping the effort, our muscles want more oxygen and thus need more of your blood to pump there. Since our blood is mostly aqueous, we need more water. (Not just when we’re feeling parched.) Having trouble staying on top of your agua? Bring your bottle to the gym (some of them even have half liter mark offs to keep you honest), and make sure to swig some after every so many sets, reps, or time increments of your workout. Set an alarm if you need to. And remember that depleted water reserves aren’t indicated by when we feel thirsty; by that point, we’re actually late too hydrate. So, get on top of it as you go. Then, after the fact, a nice electrolyte drink may help diminish stiffness. Beverages to eschew, on the contrary, include highly sugary, salty, or caffeinated drinks. (And, of course, liver elixirs like my favorite weekend beverage of red wine…)

Still suffering from DOMS after all that massaging and hydrating?

Then maybe all that activity isn’t the answer. Maybe you need to catch up on the exact opposite: sleep. On our sister site, you can learn about how sleep is imperative for restoration on any level. During our downtime, our bodies actually go to work. From managing mental procresses to healing injuries, snooze time is crucial for recovery on every level. So, shoot for a seven hour minimum. (Hey, quit laughing; it’s totally doable!) Make sure you reserve your hour before bed for electronic free time. (Maybe read a book or do a meditative ritual in lieu.) And avoid eating too soon before your head hits the pillow. All of these things can help ensure a maximally restful and restorative rest.

Keep with these tips over the course of two or three days.

After that, you should be all healed up and ready to hit the gym at full speed again!

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