Weight Loss With Matcha Vs. Coffee

July 10, 2022 Ashley 0 Comments

It’s no secret that caffeine can help you lose weight.

There’s the appetite suppressing aspect.

There’s the energizing effect that makes you wanna work out.

(Which you always hope won’t hit too soon before you reach the gym…)

Okay, but, comparatively speaking – how do the types stack up against eachother? And what are they?

Well, if we’re not counting all the artificial preworkout stuff, some of the major contenders are tea and tried and true, old fashioned, OG coffee. As for the teas, matcha has become one of the most popular over the years for those hoping for a little boost. And, with its smooth buzz and non-jittery energy elevation, you can see why. But what exactly does it have to offer that coffee doesn’t when it comes to weight loss and general health? Plenty, says a 2013 review of one versus the other. Green tea extracts, according to the experts, can help bring about adaptations to the metabolism of fat. Granted, to set off those signaling molecules, you do need to exercise on the regular. (Which we’re all doing already anyway, riiight?) If you wanna get really nerdy about it, the science is that it has to do with the epigallocatechin gallate present in the tea. And while this may sound yawn-worthy, it’s actually great news for those of you hate the taste of tea but want the benefits of it because they actually sell the extract itself. No sipping required.

Not enough to jettison the java in favor of a frothy matcha latte?

Then consider it from an inflammatory aspect.

Antioxidants in general help decrease inflammation in the body. The result? More weight loss. (Ya know, since we’re not pumping out as much cortisol anymore.) Okay, but doesn’t coffee cause weight loss too? Yes. Because of the caffeine, your espresso will lower your weight. However, coffee also ups the release of cortisol in your body. This means short term energy to exercise or suppressed appetite – but all hell breaks loose when it’s left your system. What’s more, to get the necessary amount of caffeine from coffee to generate weight loss, a super serving is required – compared to its caffeinated rival, matcha. And with large amounts of any stimulant, withdrawal can be a massive drawback and side effect. (Think of those brain breaking headaches you get when you don’t get your coffee by your usual time.) Worse? Overdose is also a possible ramification. While it’s not as common to see full on heart attacks from too much caffeine, it is possible. There was a time in my life when I might as well have been running around with an IV drip of Sumatra trickling into my system. One day, I had a massive wake up call when a panic attack hit me out of absolutely nowhere. I crumpled onto the floor, hyperventilating. My ring and pinky finger curled inward into full flexion and wouldn’t release. My boyfriend at the time thought I was having a stroke. (TBH, so did I.) Fortunately, I wasn’t. But it was the warning sign I needed to curtail my coffee intake a bit.

That’s when I switched to matcha.

(Not 100%… but even backing off coffee after the amount I’d been having sure felt like it was…)

This comparison definitely isn’t meant to make coffee the enemy.

In fact, I now enjoy a nice cup of cold brew intermittently at work. (Now that I have internalized the fact that all good things need to be enjoyed in moderation.) But, if you’re looking to get both the health benefits of weight loss and the caffeinated bang for your buck, matcha may be the best way to go – most of the time. As ever, everyone’s a unique snowflake who responds best to different things. And beverages are no different. But, apples to apples (beans to leaves?), the science shows that matcha, overall, has more to offer than the opposition. If you’re happy with your mocha latte and living your best life at your ideal weight (and panic attack free), then why break something that’s not broken? Keep on doing you, boo boo. But if you’ve reached your peak with Pike’s Place and maybe wanna make a change, give that emerald energy boosting elixir a try next time!

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