Weight Loss With B12 Shots? (Part 2)

April 16, 2023 Ashley 0 Comments

Okay, so let’s say you are B12 deprived.

Does that justify the shot? Is it really any better than taking a pill in the comfort of your own home? Avoiding wasting gas money? Averting a waiting room filled with sick people? Saving money from not making an extra copay? The FAQ version of your doctor’s website will certainly have you believing it’s better. They’ll claim that the shots are absorbed better. They’ll tell you it goes directly into the blood. They’ll argue the tablets take longer because they pass through the digestive system. They’ll say it leads to poorer absorption rates. That’s what your clinic (ya know, the one who takes your money to give you the shots) will say. But what about actual evidence based research articles? What do they have to say? Well, what they have to say is the following: first, if you’re low on the stuff, it’s gonna take upwards of 6 to 12 months to get your levels and energy up regardless of how you take it. The second thing they say is that it doesn’t make a lick of different if you suck down the pill or jam it into your skin. Specifically, it was said that, “In both studies, high-dose oral B12 was as effective as intramuscular injection at achieving neurologic and hematologic response.”

So, there you go.

That leads us the point in the article where we give you the bottom line – which is this: yes, if you are deficient in vitamin B12, you may lose weight by supplementing. That said, before you supplement with anything, check with your doctor to ensure you are indeed deficient in vitamin B12. (You might not be! It may be something else you need!) Then, if you learn that you are in need of supplementation, just do the high dose tablet instead of wasting your time, doctor’s visit, extra charge, and copay for some trendy shot. Again, do NOT self diagnose or assume a B12 deficiency is your issue. Find out. The second reason to confirming that this is indeed the issue is that your provider can prescribe a higher dose that perhaps your insurance will cover. (Two things you can’t accomplish without the aid of your doctor.)

So, if you’re suffering symptoms of low vitamin levels, make an appointment today!

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