Weight Loss And Wellness With Non-Heme Iron

December 10, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Recently, we talked about how protein can help you lose weight in your sleep.

Beans. Seeds. Nuts.

All nature’s fave ways to meet your meatless protein needs.

But there’s a catch.

When it comes to these protein packed bad boys, they also address a deficiency many of us plant based babes have. Iron. And why are we deficient in it? Well, because there are different types of iron. While iron’s a must for survival, as vegans, non-heme iron is the only kind we can eat. And while it’s in a lot of these high protein foods we love, there’s a problem: it’s not so easy to absorb on its own. But – plot twist – this is an issue that isn’t truly an issue at all.

The “fix” is simply that we just have to take something with our non-heme iron that we all need to be eating anyway: vitamin C. This stuff is packed with antioxidants– which keep us looking rejuvenated as we lose weight. Also, it helps that cruelty free iron get assimilated so that we can hit the gym with brimming energy levels and get back to bad azzing our way to weight loss. So, if you’re taking your daily ferrous dose as a supplement, just take it with your vitamin C tablet. Or, better yet, you get all your nooches (AKA nutrients) from whole foods, then enjoy a side of some high V.C. fruits with your iron filled meals.


Calcium. While this stuff’s another necessary micronutrient we all require for survival, timing is key. You don’t wanna take it with your iron, because it’s super jealous. The two competitors get in a systemic cat fight and you end up with not enough of either calcium or iron. You might as well just flush both tabs down the toilet. So just treat each of them like members of your mean girl squad. Meet two of them (iron and her homegirl Vitamin C) for brunch in the morning to talk shiz about calcium, and then after a few hours, another town over, where iron and V.C. never hang out and can’t be found, do lunch with Calcium and tell her everything iron and C said this morning.

(As far as Iron’s concerned, Calcium’s gotta sit somewhere else)

And while that’s a great way to lose friends, as an analogy, it’s also a great way to lose weight.

And stay well.

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