Tag - workout gear

June 22, 2017

Why a hat’s my go-to hairdo for working out

“Hair full’ve sweat, DGAF.” (That rhymes better if you say it out loud…) Yes, that’s usually my personalized version of the “Long hair; don’t care” meme. But, I gotta admit...

January 12, 2017

How bad shoes “defeet” the purpose of strength training

Feel like your strengthening game’s kinda weak? Me too. For a long time, actually. But the reason might not even be our form, according to the experts. In fact, per...

May 22, 2016

When should you kick your kicks to the curb?

I remember when it first started. The aching forefoot following a long run. The phantom sword, stabbing upon plantarflexion. The agonal shock when I struck the mud just so. I’d...