Tag - posture

August 14, 2016

How can I make my arms and shoulders look smaller?

So, you’re finally entrenched in a fitness regimen to lose weight and look great. But, suddenly, that dress you were hoping to “fit back into” looks, shall we say, a...

February 25, 2016

Lower body posture: Why you should give a “tuck”.

When I feel outta sorts, I like to go for a nice, long run. The endorphin rush I get is a great escape from discomfort. The only problem? Sometimes, if...

February 9, 2016

Are you erasing your weight loss efforts with this bad habit?

You hit the gym non-stop to look hot. You eat clean and green. But are you missing the biggest key to compliment your cardio routine? The thing that sheds those...

September 8, 2015

My neck, my back, my posture… ALL get hacked.

On the heels of my “fit vs. skinny” article, I realized something. While it’s def helpful to work on our slim n’ skinny exercises (’cause we’re not try’na look like...

October 2, 2014

Change your posture to change your shitty reality.

“Expand into it!” I heard this advice from a friend recently. Although it might sound like he was giving out tips on gluttonous dietary habits, he was actually offering advice...