Tag - obesity

January 19, 2017

Is this double standard what’s making us double sized?

Once upon a time, I hurt my foot. Note how I worded that? Not, “my foot got hurt”. Not, “something was wrong with my foot”. No, I did. I own...

December 8, 2016

This Stephen Hawking obesity ad is literal food for thought

So, Stephen Hawking recently offered this ad on obesity: (Click pic for vid.) In it, as you can see, he brings up a legitimate issue plaguing our nation: obesity. After...

September 1, 2016

Rats show shizzy diets directly impact fat and laziness

“Fat and lazy” I’ve heard this phrase utilized to describe many a person in the past – almost like a double defect of character some people just innately have. As...

September 1, 2016

Can a bigger breakfast make you smaller?

Now that I’ve told you that timing doesn’t matter when it comes to meals, I’m going to really confuse you. And tell you that it does. Well… when you eat...

October 3, 2015

My homegirl’s epic piggyback vid on “Dear Fat People”.

After the nano second long viral debacle that was Nicole Arbour’s “Dear Fat People”, I did two things. First, I wrote an article about it (obvi.) And then I asked...

September 13, 2015

Dear people with fat on their bodies.

So, have we all seen Nicole Arbour’s “Fat People” vlog? Yes, that’s the one. We’re gonna spotlight this one today because – often in my articles – it can be...