Tag - lifestyle

April 8, 2018

Is it Really Body Positivity If You Use a Euphemism Like “Curvy”?

Okay… here we go. So, when someone’s been lifting like crazy, how do we describe his or her body? Built. Muscular. “Swoll”. Right? How about the chick who’s been at...

May 2, 2017

3 places you can lose weight (that aren’t the gym or kitchen)

“Hot bodies are built in the KITCHEN!” I remember hearing this from a trainer, wailing over some gawd-awful club music dubbed into a home workout video. It was funny, at...

December 13, 2016

Don’t listen to anyone who says yoga won’t aid with weight loss

It’s always disappointing to hear horrible weight loss advice. Like, for instance, the misconception that “yoga won’t help you lose weight.” Yes, my loves. This is an actual statement I...

May 28, 2016

How to change your weight’s “set” point

“Try this 30 day weight loss.” “Drop five pounds in a week with this teatox.” “Drink this and look like Taylor Swift (plus all her talent) swiftly. Like, by tomorrow...

February 21, 2016

What’s self love got to do with it? (How Tina Turner stays fit and ageless)

We’ve talked about Christie Brinkley. And we’ve talked about Gwen. But you know which vampire celebrity I’ve managed to miss? Yep. Tina Turner. Chances are (if you’re here, browsing a...