Tag - intermittent fasting

December 11, 2017

Is intermittent fasting right for you?

Thinking of fasting to lose weight fast? I myself scoffed at the idea, initially. But, then, as my schedule got hectic and my munching habits changed, I noticed something. I’d...

August 17, 2017

You don’t have to starve your way to weight loss

It’s such a bummer when you read about reluctantly won weight loss. Such was the case with the latest “Intermittent Fasting” article I just happened across. Now, don’t get me...

December 15, 2016

Intermittent fasting: put down the fork (for a few more hours than usual)

Alright, so I was entirely skeptical when I read this. But let’s entertain the idea for a moment, shall we? Let’s ask ourselves… Could fasting be a healthy option for...