Tag - HIIT

July 20, 2017

Is HIIT or LISS better for weight loss?

Which should we be doing for weight loss? High intensity interval workouts? Or low intensity – at a sustained state? (Spoiler alert: we actually don’t hafta choose at all…) Respectively...

June 23, 2017

What are you wading for? Try some high intensity swimterval training, stat!

Need a break from intensity intervals on the gym floor? Then HIIT the pool – with XOS and Speedo’s WTRX class. Because this aqueous adventure is all about hardcore body...

April 19, 2017

HIIT your weight loss goals with an EMOM workout

I love playing brain games with myself to get my best workout in. (Just pretend the pain’s happening to the chick who took the last of the matcha powder at...

October 13, 2016

3 weight loss tips to sizzle in that little Halloween costume

You already chose your Halloween costume months ago. Harley Quinn. Naughty Nurse. Sexy Harambe. Okay, I might’ve just made up that last one – but tell me it wouldn’t be...

May 29, 2016

Treading steady wins the brain race, says science

“Exercise is about working smarter – not harder.” Well, that’s a loaded quote. ’cause after this study I just read up on, actually, it turns out that exercise is about...

May 20, 2016

How to get it up for the sprint bits of your interval workout

The fat blasting effects of an minimalistic interval workout still boggle my mind. See, not terribly long ago, I injured my foot jogging (my wifey cardio) and had to take...

December 19, 2015

How to burn scads of fat in four minutes.

Hey there. Yes. You. Did you work out today? How about yesterday? At all this week? Wait – what’s that? You can’t fit it into your schedule? Okay. Granted. Me...