Tag - diets

August 6, 2017

Why Overeaters Anonymous is better for weight loss than most diet trends

“I’m just done making excuses. I’m done lying to myself about this.” This, my friend, Mary, shared with me recently. See, after eons of yo-yo dieting (and spiraling in and...

May 16, 2017

What’s the best veggie prep for weight loss?

Remember when we learned why fresh fruit’s better than dried fruit? From a weight loss angle, the latter makes you fatter. And (in case you need a quick recap) that’s...

May 15, 2017

Wanna lose weight? Try the child diet!

“Adulting.” This noun-turned-verb is one of my faves when it comes describing my day to day to do’s. Work. The bank. Paying bills. File it all under the grown up...

November 27, 2016

Can you carb cycle your way to weight loss?

“Carb cycling.” Maybe you’ve heard this term before. But what exactly is it? (Is this it? ’cause that’s totally what I’m thinking…) Unfortunately, it’s not. (Although that does look insanely...

September 15, 2016

Two things you wouldn’t expect that help keep my weight down

Up until recent times, I was a life long moody muncher. Oh… what’s that? You’re a stress eater at heart too? Well, Pavlov’s salivary bells – let’s rectify this ravenousness,...

March 4, 2016

Get Viccy’s Secret model looks minus the dietary masochism

Back when I was little, I idolized those slutty undie magazine models just as much as the next girl. (I just Googled the 1995 issue and remember this exactly. #memories)...

October 4, 2015

Fasting: a fast way to weight gain

Can you lose weight fasting? Quick answer: Yes. You lose the weight. Honest, fine print answer, though? Not for long – ‘cause it’s mostly agua you’ve lost. So… why do...