Let’s all get amazing abs, buns, and great guns with Gunnar.

November 17, 2015 Ashley 0 Comments

So, we just saw how Ciara got her bod back to its former hotness.

And it’s an excellent reminder that – yeah, maybe I can work a li’l bit harder.

Especially now that my first race is over and I need a new side goal. One of my other side goals, interestingly enough, has been kickboxing – one of the things Ciara’s attributed her post baby weight loss. But the other main thing she has to thank for it? That one celebrity trainer, Gunnar Peterson – who also kicks the likes of Gwen Stefani’s ethereal rear into shape (which I’ve trouble believing ever needed it to begin with) and who I can’t afford.

Still, I’m not one to let a little challenge like not being rich or famous stop me. I mean, I just finished my first running competish today – with a herniated disc, painful scoliosis, and a sprained forefoot. No bigz. I found a workaround. And, since I’ve already joined a kickboxing program like Ciara has, I figured “Why not go all the way – and get the celebrity trainer like she’s got too?” Or at least, ya know, reap the benefits of one? So I can have an Aphrodite body by the holidays when everyone else is fattening up like Gingerbread house guests? After all, among the other things Ciara listed were pre-workout mind over matter mantras. And those are key. Since I can’t afford Gunnar to come yell at me – I could just use his tricks and then yell at myself (just like I did all race long Sunday – frightening fellow runners into falling behind me). Can’t I just dig deep like my kickboxing trainer says? And like Ciara says – remember it’s my “medicine”? Medicine for a healthy arse and some sick pythons?

Sure I can. And so can you.

So, let’s all try the (modified) Gunnar Peterson challenge over the next month.

Granted, the whole thing – complete with encouraging words or whatever – is only available for pay. (And not until January – presumably because that’s when you’ve Violet Beauregarded yourself into oblivion via feasting over the holidays.) But why wait for New Years anyway? No one ever said you can’t keep the physical part of your program during your cheat month(s). I myself don’t plan dietary “cheat” periods ‘cause my diet’s fulfilling enough that I don’t ever feel the need (unless I’m depressed #sometimesieatmyfeelings). But I totally get why some people do. What I don’t get, however, is skipping out on the physical end of it completely. Totally understandable is the “I don’t wanna”. Totally un-understandable, however, is the giving into that for more than a day or two. ‘cause that’s when falling off the fitness wagon completely becomes a real threat. Thus, I did a li’l research for both’a us. And what I came across were a few of Gunnar’s go-to moves. For free. And, while it may not be the whole pricey program, something tells me that if you ‘n I do these complimentary body maneuvers diligently every day (coupled with clean eating), we’re bound to pound drop and tighten up.

All you need are some weights, a physioball, and a functional musculoskeletal system.

1. Side lunges while holding heavy things.

These are great for bum molding.

Here’s how it’s done: gripping one dumbbell per hand, set your flippers about hip width apart. Then, take a big step to the right (or left – I’m not picky) to a lunge position – keeping your arms by your sides all the while (unless you’re holding a single weighted object – like the chick below). Once there, you’ll push the foot that just stepped out back to starting posiche. Boom. You’ve just done a side lunge. Now do the same thing with the other leg. While the suggestion’s to do 6 to 10 reps per side, I’d say at least thirty’s a better figure to aim for. (And – if you don’t have dumbbells? You can always improvise. Example: you could always squeeze these in quickly ‘fore you empty those heavy azz grocery bags that make for excellent weights.)

2. Hip lifting on a ball.

Another booty blaster and core worker, bridging (that’s what they call it) is a deceptive looking one.

It looks so easy when others demonstrate it – and like a trout outta water when I try.

So, here’s the trick: While lying face up, with your arms at your sides, plant your kicks on that great big ball, keeping your knees bent. Next: push your heels into the ball to hoist yourself up. (Since your upper body and feet are the only thing not in the air, they call it a “bridge”.) Now, lower yourself back down. Too easy? Do the next one with only one leg on the ball. Hah. Not so cocky now, are we?! (Just kidding; I can’t laugh – seeing as I can barely do the regular one.)

3. Tummy twist + gun press

For more tummy tightening and to-die-for arms, this one’s a real gem.

What you do is hold a dumbbell (Or juice jugs. Or your newborn twins) in each hand, feet set at the width of your hips, and arms starting at 90 degrees. Then, rotate smoothly to the right (left toe should pivot as you go). Next step? While you’re still in the twist, press those weights up above your noggin, lower ‘em back down, and – finally – return to starting position. Repeat on the other side. They say to do six to eight reps on these – but I feel like we’re better than six or eight. Don’t you? Be better than less than ten reps. For that matter, be better than less than thirty reps. Fun bun modification? Add in a squat:

4. Bike crunches

Oh, yes. these ones are crucial in carving out washboard abdominals. And I hate them about as much as my Tuesday kickboxing instructor loves them. Even so, I’ve got a feeling I’ll come to love them too – once I’ve noticed how they’ve left me with a pair of brawn built xylophones running down the front of my torso.

So, where to start? While face up, put your hands behind your head (sans finger locking).

Then, raise both your head and your shoulders up from the ground… and your legs. Trick here’s to keep your legs parallel to the ground, while your calves stay level and low. Not hard enough? Next, you’ll fire up the core – twisting your right elbow to your left knee – as your right leg remains extended (and, yes, still low). Repeat on your other side. Suggested rep amount? 30 to 50. (Which I totally agree with.)

Now, while these are only four exercises, we can still work with it.

Since I’m not willing to purchase Mr. Peterson’s actual program (which probably will have longer, more varied moves), and I’m guessing you aren’t either – if you’re reading this – I’m thinking the following: Double or triple the reps on each’a these, do ‘em each daily for about thirty days, and… voila.

In one month, we’ll all have us some scorchy hot bods.

(Just in time to cover ‘em up under ugly Santa sweaters.)

#celebrity trainers#exercises#gunnar peterson#tips

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