Keep calm and blubber on: McD’s salad’s fatter than its Big Mac

February 7, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

Don’t try and fool yourself.

Even McClown’s salads are chock full of fat.

Yes, far better to just visit Whore Whole Foods (Or Wegmans. Or the Farmer’s Market…) for my food fornication and cuddles alike. She may charge a lot, but it’s worth the fulfillment of a fit body her long term relache offers. Plus, per recent investigative research done comparing the allegedly healthy salads at McDonald’s to their classic Mac, the former was worse than the latter… on multiple levels. Yes, you read that right. More fat, more calories, and more sodium were found in the meme moniker’d “Keep Calm, Caesar on” salad than said burger. And, like most corporations whose aim it is to make as much buck as possible, by any deceitful means needed, they don’t tell you the total caloric amount (which should include their diet smiting dressing – but isn’t listed on the site). Then, they also employ the fun psych hack of getting you to believe what you’re eating isn’t just healthy – it’s super healthy. And what’s healthier than… kale? Thus, they mix up a bit of lettuce, some baby kale, crispy chicken (which is just a cute euphemism for “bird bits fried in fat”), and call it their special concoction infused with superfood. What they fail to mention, is that by adding their battered poultry and Asiago Caesar dressing— it actually comes in at a whopping 730 calories. (Versus the 500-something they label on their site.) That’s not much more than the big mac (which is 680), but still a sufficient enough difference to raise our eyebrows and turn our noses up at. And if you disagree – then wait – there’s more!

Would you like to guess just how much sodium and fat is in this seemingly benign bowl?

Also more than the burger.

Each salad has 1,400 milligrams of sodium… and 53 grams of fat.

It’s funny ’cause I’d done article – just last week, I think – on how “healthy” fast food was more overpriced because they don’t even want you buying the right dietary choices in the first place. They want you hooked on the big bad wolf mac and miscellaneous other mystery meat slathered between starch. But now I realize this beast in sheep’s clothing’s even worse than the burgers for which the golden arched inferno is famed. I’m pretty sure I ended that article by advising my beautiful friends on their respective fitness paths to avoid junk non-sustenance altogether. McDonald’s is just doing what all drug dealers do. Making money and marketing their products to vulnerable consumers. So, let’s don’t be victual victims. Let’s make good choices by making good food a priority. If you prep your own “baby kale” ahead of time (sans the fatty avian slices), then you can dress it up any way you like.

And not hafta sit in a drive-thru, wondering how a 500 cal salad landed you candidacy for gastric bypass.

#calories#fast food#fat#mcdonalds#salad#sodium

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