How Exactly Does Sitting Sabotage Weight Loss?

February 20, 2023 Ashley 0 Comments

“Sitting is the new smoking” is a phrase that’s quickly become a cliche.

And while being on your bum isn’t nearly as bad as sucking down cancer fog, the fact stands: Sitting for too long isn’t so great – especially if weight loss is your aim. Most of us have heard the obvious reasons by now. Being in a position where the hips are perpetually flexed causes our anterior hip muscles to get tight. This means the posterior hip muscles get excessively lengthened. (And the glutes AKA booty muscles subsequently get weak.) Adipose tissue tends to collect there on the back in the process, leaving us to wonder why our caboose is loose and jiggly. (If ya don’t know, now ya know.) To make matters worse, the effects on the rest of the body are terrible, too. When we spend the day sitting, we’re not typically practicing good posture. We’re leaning forward to work on laptops, phones, or drive a car.

It’s a domino effect from there.

First, the low back gets put into an awkward position. This causes further tightness through the paraspinal muscles. Then, the upper body curves forward, putting your postural muscles at a mechanical deficiency, your neck in a painful forward position, and your rib cage to close off – tightening your pectoral muscles. This position already closes off your ability to breathe deeply and fully oxygenate your body. But, add into that the anxiety from the muscles in your body being tight for so long, and that high, tight, and tense breathing sends you into a stress response that releases cortisol. Cortisol corresponds with more storing of belly fat – and it also tends to cause more stress induced snacking.

That’s bad enough, right?

But it gets worse.

Because, even if you’re sitting there with consciously good posture and doing your yoga breathing all day, you’re still at a disadvantage. Why? Because the more you remain rooted on your booty, your hormones are actively working against you. Remember those two, specifically, called leptin and grehlin? (These are the ones that tell you you’re full and satisfied or starving and a second away from devouring your co-workers’ limbs like a multi jawed, gutter clown). When you’re moving about normally and eating a healthy, balanced diet, they’re relatively regulated. However, after sitting all day, they go a bit crazy. They start to tell you that you need food fuel when your tummy tank’s already full. To make matters worse, your “good cholesterol” gene kicks off when you sit for too long. At that point, yes, weight loss is an issue as metabolism gets messed up – but cardiovascular health is also in peril, putting you at long term risk for fatal diseases.

The fix?

If you’ve got a desk job, the answer obviously isn’t as easy as “don’t sit” to work.

However, there are work day workarounds.

Some examples include setting a timer, reminder, or alarm to get up every twenty minutes or so and move around. There are stand up desks. There are physioballs that encourage core recruitment and continual movement. Then, sometimes, it’s our own tendencies that are against us. Once we’re tight from remaining seated, it almost feels more painful to get up and walk about. So, we have to make the time and effort for it. And if your job’s too busy to allow for that? Then it’s time for a career change. Sorry to say it, but it’s true. You might be thinking it’s not practical and that it’s a ridiculous suggestion. But is it? If the way you earn money is putting you at risk – what’s the point, right? At that juncture, both quality of life and the longevity of it are reduced. You’re not earning a living anymore; you’re cutting your living short. So, we have to ask ourselves: what’s more ridiculous? The temporary inconvenience of transitioning to a job that will be more fulfilling and allow you a longer, happier life? Or staying in one that just funds a fatter, sadder, and shorter one?

Bottom line? Get off your bottom.

Get off it and move – either during your current job – or away from it to a new one that lets you.

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